Government bodies

Constitutional Court of Austria

Official Website of the Austrian Constitutional Court. The site provides background information on the jurisdiction of the Court which covers the review of norms, impeachment and electoral matters.There are details of the justices, information on the organisation of the Court and how decisions are made. A selection of Austrian Federal Constitutional Laws is given in PDF along with a copy of the Constitutional Court Act 1953. A number of full-text decisions can be viewed on the site in German only. The site can be viewed in German and English.

Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria

Official website of the Bulgarian Constitutional Court described on the site as being a "politically independent body which ensures the supremacy of the Constitution". There is historical and background information on the Court covering its composition, competencies and how a case can be taken to the Constitutional Court. There are profiles of the judges and a full-text copy of the Constitution. Summaries of decisions are given from 1994 onwards. A page of links to other Constitutional Courts is also given. The site can be viewed in English as well as Bulgarian.

National Courts Administration

Website of the National Courts Administration the organisation providing administrative support and technical services to the judiciary in Lithuania. The site contains a full-text copy of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Courts and an outline of the judicial system. Details of the courts in Lithuania and an alphabetical listing of judges are given and there are summaries of Constitutional Court rulings arranged by topic. The site can be viewed in Lithuanian only.

Vilnius Court of Commercial Arbitration

The Vilnius Court of Commercial Arbitration provides a permanent arbitration institution hearing national and international commercial disputes in Lithuania. It is an amalgamation of two Lithuanian arbitration institutions- the Arbitration Court at the Association International Chamber of Commerce Lithuania and the Vilnius International Commercial Arbitration. The site is available in Lithuanian, Russian and English and includes a copy of the Law on Commercial Arbitration of the Republic of Lithuania and various news items.

Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania

Website of the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania. This court hears appeals from the country's five administrative courts which deal with disputes concerning public and internal administration. The site outlines the role and function of the administrative courts, provides contact details for justices and other staff of the Supreme Administrative Court. Also included on the site is a page of links to Lithuanian legal resources. The site can be viewed in English and Lithuanian.

Ministry of Justice, Human Rights and Correctional Service

Official website of the Lesotho Ministry of Justice, the body with responsibility for the judiciary, prisons, legal aid, probation and human rights in Lesotho. The site has information about the different departments within the Ministry of Justice including the Legal Aid Unit, Human Rights Unit and the Probation Unit. There are links to judgements of the High Court and the Court of Appeal on Saflii (South African Legal Information Institute)

Republic of Latvia Supreme Court

Official website of the Supreme Court of Latvia. The site provides background and historical information about the Court including its structure, the role of the Senate and Chambers and an outline of the Latvian court system. There is also a profile of the Chief Justice and selected decisions of the Supreme Court can be viewed in Latvian only. A page of links to other Latvian legal sites is also provided. The site can be viewed in English, Latvian and Russian.

Law and Justice Commission of Pakistan

The Law and Justice Commission of Pakistan is the body responsible for advising on reforms and improvements to the law including "modernization, unification and codification". The site gives historic and background information to the judicial system and administration of justice in Pakistan along with a full-text copy of the Constitution. Annual reports of the various courts and judicial statistics can be viewed on the site and full-text reports of the Law Commission can be downloaded.

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