
Droit des affaires au Burkina Faso

Information and documentation relating to the business and company law of Burkina Faso, provided by French law and tax publisher Droit-Afrique. The site gives details of pan-African organisations of which Burkina Faso is a member and provides customs, commercial, company, employment and town planning laws of Burkina Faso. There is a page of links to the websites of African organisations and other sites providing legal information on Burkina Faso. The site is in French only.


Droit des affaires au Burundi

Information and documentation relating to the business and company law of Bénin, provided by French law and tax publisher Droit-Afrique. The site gives details of pan-African organisations of which Burundi is a member, and provides commercial and company codes and employment laws for Burundi. There is a page of links to the websites of African organisations and other sites providing legal information on Burundi. The site is in French only.

Droit des affaires au Niger

Collection of information and documentation relating to business and company law in Niger, provided by French law and tax publisher Droit-Afrique. Includes details of pan-African organisations to which Niger belongs and provides commercial, employment, social security, tax and investment laws of Niger. There is also legislation dealing with banking and the environment. Has a page of links to African organisations and other sites providing legal information on Niger. The site is in French only.

Droit des affaires en Algerie

Collection of information and legal materials relating to business and company law in Algeria provided by French law and tax publisher Droit-Afrique. Gives details of pan-African organisations to which Algeria belongs and provides Algerian commercial, company, tax, banking and investment laws. Also has international agreements between Algeria and other countries relating to taxation and investment, together with links to the websites of African organisations and other sites providing legal information on Algeria. The site is in French only.

ASIL Electronic Resource Guide: International Commercial Arbitration

An online guide to electronic resources for international commercial arbitration, offering commentary and links. The guide forms a chapter of the American Society of International Law's Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law. Originally written by Charlotte Bynum, Reference Librarian at Tulane Law Library, it was been updated in 2015 by Gloria Miccioli, Librarian at US law firm Manatt, Phelps and Phillips.

Sustainable Development Law (SDL) research guide

Online guide to Sustainable Development Law, written by Gary Yessin, Reference Librarian at Florida A&M University College of Law. The article was originally published in 2006 (and updated in 2024 by Charlotte Daugherty) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School at the NYU, School of Law. The author gives an introduction to the law relating to sustainable development and lists books on the subject. It also provides links to treaties, legal journals and research guides, along with a list of abbreviations.

Invest Bulgaria Agency: legal framework

Information on business and investment law in Bulgaria provided by the Invest Bulgaria Agency (IBA). Covers foreign trade and customs, taxation, investment incentives, Bulgarian residency, employment law and property. There is also information on setting up a business and guidance on the law relating to specific sectors including robotics, health and life sciences, electronics, and IT. Includes the text of key legislation, such as the Investment Promotion Act and the Corporate Income Taxation Act (under 'Legal Guide'). The site is available in English and Bulgarian.

Bank Negara Malaysia: Legislation

This section of the Central Bank of Malaysia's website provides Malaysian banking legislation. The available legislation includes the Central Bank of Malaysia Act 2009, the Financial Services Act 2013, the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013, the Insurance Act 1996 and the Currency Act 2020. The site also provides standards and guidelines and circulars covering banking, Islamic banking, payment systems, insurance and takaful, money services business and other topics. 

Law Reform Commission of Tanzania

Official website of the Law Reform Commission of Tanzania whose role is to keep under review all aspects of the law in Tanzania. Gives historical information about the Commission, lists the Commissioners and provides position papers, reports, discussion papers and other publications. Also includes a collection of Tanzanian laws from 2004 to 2010. There are Kiswahili and English versions of the site, but much of the documentation provided is in English only.

Pathfinder on the generic pharmaceutical industry

Online guide to the United States generic pharmaceutical industry, by Sarah Spear who is pursuing an LLM in Taxation at the Florida Coastal School of Law. The guide was published in June 2006 in LLRX.com (Law Library Resource Xchange), the free online web journal for legal information professionals. The author provides an introduction to the regulation of drug production in the US and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and covers terminology, federal statutes and pharmaceutical patent litigation.

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