
Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office Legislation

This web page provides a list of the legislation administered by the Barbados Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office (CAIPO). CAIPO is the government department with responsibility for the registration and incorporation of companies and the registration of patents, trade marks, industrial designs and other intellectual property rights. Legislation is grouped under the following headings: general; corporate affairs; intellectual property and conventions. There is a summary of each law and some of these have a link to the full text.

An introduction to the legal structure of Tokelau:a collection of primary materials, commentary, and online resources

Online guide explaining the laws and legal system of Tokelau in the South Pacific, a self-administering territory of New Zealand. The guide is by Peter Murgatroyd, Law Librarian at the Emalus Campus Library at the University of the South Pacific. It gives an introduction to Tokelau, information on sources of law and links to Tokelau legislation. There is an outline of the governmental system and government institutions along with details of the relationship Tokelau has with New Zealand.

Tribunal Constitucional del Peru

Official website of the Constitutional Court of Peru. The site contains information about the Court and gives profiles of the judges. Judgements of the Court are available in full text and can be searched by keyword and year. There are also copies of the Constitution and associated legislation provided on the site. Links are given to the website of the Court Gazette and to the Centre for Constitutional Studies of the Constitutional Court which is the research and academic arm of the Court. The site can be viewed in Spanish only.

Conditions of Work and Employment Database

This legal database is a collection of employment and conditions of employment laws made freely available by the Conditions of Work and Employment Programme (TRAVAIL) at the International Labour Organization (ILO). The database is organised into three sections covering maternity protection, minimum wages and working time. Legislation relating to maternity protection covers maternity leave, protection from discrimination and health protection.

LexJuris Puerto Rico

Website of LexJuris a legal information site providing free access to Puerto Rico legislation, law reports, directories and legal web links. Full text legislation can be browsed by year or subject with headings for labour laws, codes, bills, treaties and federal laws. A copy of the Constitution of Puerto Rico is available to download along with the Constitutions of other countries. Supreme Court judgements are provided back to 1998 in full text. The site is available in Spanish throughout.

A brief overview of the Saudi Arabian legal system

Online guide to the Saudi Arabian legal system written by Dr. Abdullah Ansary who is a Senior Fellow at the Homeland Security Policy Institute (HSPI) of George Washington University and a Senior Research Fellow at the Arabian Peninsula & Gulf Studies Program (APAG) of the University of Virginia. The guide was published in 2008 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School at the New York University School of Law. The guide provides background and historical information on Saudi Arabia and the development of the legal system.

FTC guide to antitrust laws

Online guide to the antitrust laws of the United States produced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and made freely available on the FTC website. The site gives an overview of the three core federal antitrust laws- theSherman Act, the Federal Trade Commission Act and the Clayton Act. There are also sections dealing with the bodies responsible for enforcing the law, monopolies, mergers, price discrimination and competitor collaboration including practices such as price fixing, market division and bid rigging. Each section can be viewed in HTML and as a PDF factsheet.

Saudi laws compendium

Searchable collection of Saudi Arabian laws in English translation, on the website of the Bureau of Experts, which is affiliated to the Saudi Council of Ministers. The database contains the Basic Laws which include the Basic Law of Governance, the Law of Provinces, the Law of the Shura Council and the Law of the Council of Ministers. Other Saudi laws included cover areas such as media and publishing, money laundering, company, economy and investment laws, property, judicial authority and human rights, mining, labour, and finance.

Kosovo laws

This web page forms part of the Republic of Kosovo Assembly website. The site provides access to Kosovo legislation going back to 2003. The laws can be browsed by year, number or name and the full text downloaded in PDF. The site includes a site search engine and can be viewed in English, Albanian and Serbian.

Parliament of the Republic of South Africa

Official website of the South African Parliament providing background information to the Parliament, how it is structured, its functions and details of members and officers of the Parliament. There are details of the various committees and parliamentary papers, including committee reports, order papers and minutes of proceedings, can be downloaded from the site. Recent speeches can be viewed and the most recent editions of Hansard can be searched, browsed and downloaded. Bills before Parliament can be viewed in full.

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