
Supreme Court of Nepal

Official website of the Supreme Court of Nepal. Includes a judgments database, cause lists and a collection of legislation including the Constitution of Nepal, court rules and the civil, civil procedure, criminal and criminal procedure codes, all in Nepali. There is also a Publications section, also in Nepali, containing the Nepal Law Reporter, Supreme Court Bulletin, Supreme Court User Charter, court rules and directives, and the Judges' Code of Conduct.

Laws of Kenya

The Laws of Kenya website, provided by the National Council for Law Reporting, makes available Kenyan statutes and subsidiary legislation arranged by subject, with a search facility. The site also has Kenyan case law, the Kenya Gazette and other material.

Kenya Law

Website of Kenya Law, provided by the National Council for Law Reporting. A free searchable database of cases is provided, going back to the 1970s; many cases are available in full, but for some only brief details are given. The Laws of Kenya are provided on the same website, together with other legal material, including the Kenya Gazette back to 2003, bills, cause lists from various courts, a treaty database, and a collection of articles and commentaries. The site also has information about the history of law reporting in Kenya.

Laws of Sierra Leone

Collection of Sierra Leonean legislation from 1925 onwards on Sierra Leone Web, a site founded in 1996 by journalist Peter C. Andersen. Includes the Constitution of Sierra Leone 1991 (and subsequent amending acts), other acts, ordinances, and some rules and regulations. Sierra Leone Web also provides books, reports and other documents from the eighteenth century onwards, as well as government information and material relating to the history and culture of Sierra Leone.

Sumário das Legislações Publicadas nos Diários da República 1975 - 2007

Hosted on the website of the Association of General Secretaries of Portuguese-language Parliaments (Associação dos Secretários-Gerais dos Parlamentos de Língua Portuguesa), this booklet provides a summary of all legislation published in the Diário da República (Official Gazette) of São Tomé and Príncipe between 1975 -2007

Digital Law Online

Digital Law Online was established by Professor Lee A. Hollaar of the School of Computing at the University of Utah and was last updated in 2016. It contains an online version of Professor Hollaar's 2002 book, "Legal Protection of Digital Information." The book deals with copyright and patent law, including protection of software and other digital works; the emphasis is on US law. Links are given to all cases, statutes and congressional reports referred to in the text. The book is updated on the site and supplementary information is provided.


OHADA.com provides information and documentation relating to the Organization for the Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa, including the OHADA Treaty, OHADA uniform acts and implementing rules in English and French. Summaries of the judgments of the Common Court of Justice and Arbitration (CCJA) are provided in French only; for the full text (also in French), registration is required but there is no charge.

Droit des affaires au Bénin

Information and documentation relating to the business and company law of Bénin, provided by French law and tax publisher Droit-Afrique. Gives details of pan-African organisations to which Bénin belongs. Includes selected laws of Bénin, together with official texts of OHADA and other organisations. The page also lists links to government and law websites.

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