
Supreme Court of Mauritius

The Website of the Supreme Court of Mauritius provides a history of the legal system in Mauritius and an outline of the court system. There are contact details for Mauritian lawyers and weekly cause lists for the various courts. Judgments are made freely available from a number of Mauritian courts- the Court of Rodrigues, the Industrial Court, the Intermediate court and the district courts. Supreme Court decisions are available on subscription. Recent legislation (from 2008 onwards) can be viewed on the site in full text.

Giustizia Amministrativa

This website provides decisions of the Italian Council of State and of the Regional Administrative Tribunals (TARs). Decisions can be searched by date or decision number. The site also has reports and minutes of meetings of the Council of the Presidency. The site is in Italian only.

Selected Laws of the State of Israel

The website of the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs includes a page of selected laws of Israel which can be viewed online in HTML. Available laws include the 1948 Declaration of Independence, the Law of Return, the Protection of Holy Places Law, Denial of Holocaust (Prohibition) Law and the Golan Heights Law. Most legislation is available in full, but some laws are available as summaries only.

Foreign Law Translations

Free database of foreign legislation and cases translated into English, provided by the Institute for Transnational Law at the University of Texas at Austin. Foreign Law Translations makes available translated French, German, Austrian and Israeli cases and French and German legislation in the areas of constitutional, administrative, contract and tort law; most of the content is from France and Germany. The site also has a glossary of French legal terms and a list of German legal abbreviations

Indian Legislation

A LIIofIndia database containing Indian acts from 1836 to date. Acts can be browsed alphabetically and by date. The information can also be viewed using the system's comprehensive search facility or act name search. Full text acts are presented in HTML. The information is based on the India Code Information System (INCODIS) and provided by the National Informatics Centre at the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. The Legal Information Institute of India(LIIofIndia) is a collaborative service providing free access to primary legal materials from India.

Guam Legislature

Official website of the Guam Legislature. Guam is a Pacific Island which forms an unincorporated territory of the United States. The site provides details of standing committees, a legislative calendar and contact details for members of the Guam Senate. Access is given to Guam public laws which can be viewed in HTML or as zipped Word files. Laws are available from the 24th Guam Legislature (1997) onwards although not all are available in full. Bills are also available on the site along with legislative and executive resolutions.

Office of the Compiler of Laws

Website of the Office of the Compiler of Laws in Guam. Guam is a Pacific Island which forms an unincorporated territory of the United States. The Compiler of Laws is a division of the Attorney General's Office and the site is currently under development. It aims to provide free access to Guam statutes, laws, court decisions, agency rules and regulations, Executive Orders issued by the Governor, and opinions of the Attorney General. Currently available on the site is a full-text copy of the Guam Code Annotated and full-text (PDF) opinions of the Supreme Court from 1996 onwards.

Sri Lanka Legislation

A CommonLII database containing Sri Lankan Legislative Enactments (1980 Revised Edition). Legislation can be browsed alphabetically or searched using the system's comprehensive keyword and act name search facility. Full text laws are presented in PDF. The data has been made available by LAWNET a project established by the Sri Lankan Ministry of Justice. The Commonwealth Legal Information Institute (CommonLII) is a collaborative service providing free access to primary legal materials from Commonwealth and common law countries and territories.

European Union legal materials: an infrequent user's guide

Guide to European Union legal information, written by Duncan E. Alford, Associate Dean for the Law Library and Associate Professor of Law at the University of South Carolina School of Law. The guide was published in 2005 (and updated in 2016 by Alyson Drake of the Texas Tech University School of Law Library) on New York University law school's Globalex website. The author gives a brief overview of the European Union, its official websites and principal institutions. There is a reading list of recommended introductions to EU law, dictionaries and directories.

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