
Armenian legislation

Collection of full text laws of Armenia made freely available on the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia website. The laws can be browsed alphabetically or by subject and are provided in full text in English. Subject areas covered on the site include civil and criminal legislation, taxation, banking and finance, housing, family law, health care, social security, foreign policy and international relations law. A copy of the Constitution is included on the site along with the Civil Code and the Criminal Code.

Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia

Official website of the Constitutional Court of Armenia. The site includes the full text of the Armenian Constitution and the Law of the Republic of Armenia on the Constitutional Court. There is a list of Court members and references are given to decisions from 1996 onwards. A few decisions can be viewed in full. There is an e-library of legal materials, including reports, articles and documents, provided on the site in Russian, Armenian and French. A small number of documents can be viewed in English. The site can be viewed in Russian, English and Armenian.

Legislation Mongolia

Collection of links to Mongolian laws made freely available on the Lexadin website as part of their World Law Guide. Laws are arranged by subject including constitutional, administrative, criminal, civil, commercial, company, employment, health, taxation, banking and intellectual property law. The laws are in full-text and translated into English. The page also provides links to the sources of legislation.

Mexican Senate

Official website of the Mexican Senate (Parliament) providing access to information on the members of the Senate and its political make up. Copies of the Parliamentary Gazette can be viewed on the site along with full text laws and decrees of the Senate. There is background information on the structure, organisation and history of the Senate, an outline of the legislative process and details of parliamentary committees. Most of the site including any full-text documentation is presented in Spanish. A few pages are made available in English.

Instituto de Investigaciones Juridicas

Website of the Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas (Legal Research Institute) at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (National Autonomous University of Mexico). The site has information about the organisation and activities of the Institute including profiles of staff. There are details of Institute publications, some of which can be freely accessed online. The site provides Mexican federal and state legislation, including an English translation of the Constitution and a searchable version of the Mexican Official Gazette.

Legal Information System of the Federated States of Micronesia

Website of the Legal Information System (LIS) of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), a project of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Supreme Court of the Federated States of Micronesia. The aim of the project is to improve public access to legal materials of the FSM. The site has information about the FSM National Government and the four states that make up the Federated States of Micronesia- Chuuk, Kosrae, Pohnpei, and Yap providing access to constitutions, codes, regulations, court decisions and rules.


Helplinelaw is a gateway site to Indian legal information provided by a 'virtual' law firm with associates in India and other countries. Full text Indian laws are made freely available on the site arranged alphabetically and by legal subject covering banking, environmental, criminal, immigration, employment, consumer and property law. There is also a directory of Indian lawyers and selected information for other jurisdictions.

World Law: Marshall Islands

Part of WorldLII's World Law service containing links to internet resources for the Marshall Islands. A full range of browse and search features are provided by the site. Browse sections include links covering courts and case law, governmental sites, legislation, parliament, treaties and international agreements and introductions to Marshall Islands law. A stored search will automatically search for materials relating to the Marshall Islands on all of the WorldLII catalogue or databases.

La Réforme de la Justice au Mali - Programme Décennal de Développement de la Justice

PRODEJ, Programme Décnnal de Dévloppement de la Justice, was set up in 1999 to promote access to justice in Mali and to improve confidence in the justice system, under the aegis of the Ministry of Justice of Mali. The site presents project documentation, including policy and planning documents, on legislative reform and modernisation and administration of justice. A collection of the legislation of Mali is included. Recent news bulletins are available along with a digest of Supreme Court cases from 1998 to 2007. The site is in French throughout.

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