legal profession

Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission

Website of the Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission (NIJAC), an independent public body, established in 2005. NIJAC recommends judicial appointments in Northern Ireland up to the level of High Court judge. The site provides details of the Commissioners and their role, guidance on how judicial appointments are made and the steps in the process. The publications section gives access to NIJAC’s policies and a guide to judicial careers in Northern Ireland.

Parliament of Canada

The website of the Parliament of Canada provides information about the work, organisation and history of the Canadian Senate, House of Commons and parliamentary committees. Details of current legislation and the work of previous sessions are given. Debates and committee minutes are available from 1996 onwards and bills or acts from 1994 onwards . Other official publications on the site include committee reports and minutes of committee proceedings. There is a directory of current Members of both Houses. The About Parliament section includes historical and procedural information.

Web links: Canada

Set of links to Canadian law websites, compiled by the Law Library at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto. Covers research guides and gateways; legislative materials and treaties; courts and caselaw; government; news; law schools and libraries; law societies and organizations; law firm directories; publishers; and blogs.

Scottish Solicitors' Discipline Tribunal

Website of the Scottish Solicitors' Discipline Tribunal (SSDT), an independent body dealing with serious disciplinary issues within the legal profession, such as professional misconduct and inadequate professional service. The website provides the findings of the Tribunal back to 1995; searchable by name or date, or browseable by case type. Information about the work of the Tribunal works and how to make an appeal is given in the form of a selection of FAQs. There are also Tribunal rules, annual reports and profiles of members.

Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland

The Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland is responsible for recommending individuals for appointment to judicial offices in Scotland. As well as organisational information about the Board, its website has guidance on the appointment process, annual reports, agendas and minutes and appointment statistics. Vacancies for judges. sheriff principals or sheriffs are advertised on the site and there is a selection of FAQs.

Judicial Studies Committee

Website of the Judicial Studies Committee, the body responsible for judicial training in Scotland. This includes training for the judiciary in the Supreme Courts (the Court of Session and the High Court of Justiciary) and the sheriff court. The site has profiles of members, annual reports and pdf copies of the Justice's Bench Book for the Justice of the Peace Court and the Equal Treatment Bench Book.

National Pro Bono Centre

The National Pro Bono Centre is a charity providing a clearing house for legal pro bono work delivered in England and Wales through the Bar Pro Bono Unit, LawWorks (the Solicitors' Pro Bono Group) and ILEX Pro Bono Forum. The website has information on the work of these pro bono charities and links are given to their websites. There is background information on pro bono work and a selection of case studies demonstrates how this work can help people who are unable to pay for legal assistance.

Judiciary of Scotland

The website of the Scottish Judiciary provides information on the roles and work of judges in Scotland and on the structure of the Scottish court system. It includes practical information for people attending court , a selection of decisions, sentencing statements and Fatal Accident Inquiry (FAI) determinations. Publications and responses to government consultations can also be viewed on the site.

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