legal profession

Law Society of Manitoba

The Law Society of Manitoba is the self-governing body for lawyers in the Canadian province of Manitoba. The website has information relating to the Law Society including its purpose and functions, a directory of members and full text copies of its newsletter, Bencher Bulletin. The Society's code of conduct, rules and forms are also available to download along with annual reports, discipline notices and policy documents. There is advice aimed at the public on making a complaint and a page of links to other Manitoba legal resources.

Law Society of British Columbia

The Law Society of British Columbia is the self-governing body for lawyers in the Canadian province of British Columbia (BC). The website has information about the structure and purpose of the Law Society and information for the public on various aspects of the law such as buying a house, divorce and separation and making a will. There is information on complaints and discipline including discipline reports and a hearings schedule.

Ontario Bar Association

Website of the Ontario Bar Association (OBA) a branch of the Canadian Bar Association representing members of the legal profession in the Canadian province of Ontario. The site provides details of branch officers, sections and committees and information about the OBA's continuing legal education programme. There is information on the advocacy work the OBA is concerned with along with press releases detailing the association's activities.

Canadian Bar Association New Brunswick

Website of the New Brunswick branch of the Canadian Bar Association an organisation representing the legal profession in the Canadian province of New Brunswick. The website gives details of Executive and Council members and information about the various sections. The site has an online newsletter providing branch news and a page of links to other Canadian legal resources. The site is available in English and French.

Manitoba Bar Association

Website of the Manitoba Bar Association, a branch of the Canadian Bar Association representing the legal profession in the Canadian province of Manitoba. The site gives contact details for Executive Committee and Council members along with details of branch sections and information about conferences and other events. Copies of the Association's annual reports are made available as PDF documents and there are links provided to other Manitoba legal resources. Parts of the website are made available to members only.

Canadian Bar Association British Columbia

Website of the British Columbia branch of the Canadian Bar Association (CBABC) an organisation representing the legal profession in the province of British Columbia in Canada. The site has profiles of branch officers, details of events and a selection of press releases. There are links to other Canadian legal resources including law schools and blogs. Parts of the site are accessible to members only.

London Solicitors Litigation Association

Website of the London Solicitors Litigation Association (LSLA) an organisation formed in 1952 to represent solicitors practising civil litigation in central London. The website has information about the LSLA including the constitution, profiles of officers and details of forthcoming events. Copies of the Association's newsletter, Resolve and LSLA responses to consultation exercises are made freely available in full-text. There is also a page of related links.

Solicitors Sole Practitioners' Group

The Solicitors Sole Practitioners' Group (SPG) is a Law Society group formed in 1992 to represent sole practitioners in the legal profession. The website provides information on the history, structure and constitution of the Group and a message board provides a forum for members to exchange ideas. A selection of reports dealing with subjects of interest to sole practitioners such as risk management and supervision of offices are also made available online along with a page of links and resources. The SPG's journal, Solo can be viewed on the site in PDF format.

Victorian Bar

Website of the Victorian Bar a professional association representing barristers practising in Victoria, Australia. The site has information about the Bar including a copy of the constitution, practice rules and regulations, annual reports and details of the Bar's Alternative Dispute Resolution scheme. An online membership directory provides contact details of barristers and chambers. Full text copies of the Bar newsletter, In Brief, are made freely available online in PDF format containing articles, book reviews and news from the Bar.

Queensland Law Society

Website of the Queensland Law Society (QLS) the organisation representing solicitors in Queensland, Australia. The site has information for QLS members, the general public, the media and students. There is background information about the QLS including its history, structure and a copy of their latest annual report made available in PDF format. The site has advice on making a complaint against a solicitor, press releases, a link to the QLS rules and organisational information.

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