law reports

English Reports

A CommonLII database providing free access to the English Reports, a collection of the most important cases reported between 1220 and 1873. Decisions can be searched or browsed by case name or date and downloaded in PDF format. Data has been supplied by online legal publisher, Justis. The Commonwealth Legal Information Institute (CommonLII) is a collaborative service providing free access to primary legal materials from Commonwealth and common law countries and territories.


LawCite is an international case citator developed by AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute. It is a searchable index to more than 5 million cases, journal articles and law reform reports from common law jurisdictions, including numerous Commonwealth countries, Ireland, the United States and Hong Kong; links to the full text are given, where available. Cases can be searched by citation, parties, court, jurisdiction and date. Journal articles can be searched by keywords in the title and author.

Open Access Scottish Law Reports

Website providing access to an archive of important Scottish session cases made freely available online by the Scottish Council of Law Reporting (SCLR). The archive contains cases from 1873 to 2007 and is being run using the Justis search interface. Reports can be searched by keyword or browsed by date and contain the case name, citation, court, judges and opinion. The SCLR is a non-profit company made up of Scottish judges, advocates and solicitors whose purpose is to manage the publication of its Session Cases law report series and other materials.

Ugandan Legal Information Institute

The Ugandan Legal Information Institute (ULII) is being developed by the Ugandan Law Reporting Committee and the South African Legal Information Institute (Saflii) with the aim of providing access to freely available legal information from Uganda. ULII is currently being hosted on the Saflii website. Databases on the site provide full text access to cases from the Supreme Court, Constitutional Court, Court of Appeal, High Court and Commercial Court along with the consolidated Laws of Uganda.

How to read a legal opinion: a guide for new law students

Electronic article providing guidance on reading legal opinions written by Orin S. Kerr who is a Professor of Law at the George Washington University Law School. The article was published in the Green Bag: an Entertaining Journal of Law in Autumn 2007 and is aimed at new law students in the United States. There are sections explaining what a judicial opinion is and looking at the caption, the case citation, who wrote the opinion, the facts of the case, the law of the case, concurring or dissenting opinions, common legal terms and types of disputes.

Tribunal Constitucional del Peru

Official website of the Constitutional Court of Peru. The site contains information about the Court and gives profiles of the judges. Judgements of the Court are available in full text and can be searched by keyword and year. There are also copies of the Constitution and associated legislation provided on the site. Links are given to the website of the Court Gazette and to the Centre for Constitutional Studies of the Constitutional Court which is the research and academic arm of the Court. The site can be viewed in Spanish only.

Poder Judicial de Puerto Rico

Official website of the Judiciary of Puerto Rico. The site has information aimed at judges, citizens, lawyers and law students and there are sections giving background to the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal, the Court of First Instance and the administration of the courts. There is organisational information about the Judiciary along with details of the judges and the work of the Judicial Academy. Full text legislation relating to the Judiciary can be viewed on the site in full text.

LexJuris Puerto Rico

Website of LexJuris a legal information site providing free access to Puerto Rico legislation, law reports, directories and legal web links. Full text legislation can be browsed by year or subject with headings for labour laws, codes, bills, treaties and federal laws. A copy of the Constitution of Puerto Rico is available to download along with the Constitutions of other countries. Supreme Court judgements are provided back to 1998 in full text. The site is available in Spanish throughout.

Gray's Inn Tax Chambers

Website of Gray's Inn Tax Chambers, a specialist set whose services include tax advice and tax appeals. The site publishes a newsletter, the GITC Review. A selection of tax cases in which, barristers from Gray's Inn Tax Chambers have appeared is also available.


Website of VictimLaw an online information source on victims' rights in the United States provided by the National Center for Victims of Crime. The site provides access to a database of full text federal and state laws, tribal laws, constitutional amendments, court rules and court decisions relating to victimsã rights. The database uses a guided search facility where the user can search by topic (the nine core victims' rights), jurisdiction, keyword or citation.

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