international law


GRECO is the Group of States Against Corruption, a body set up in 1999 by the Council of Europe to monitor the development, implementation and enforcement of anti-corruption legislation in its member states. The site publishes GRECO's Statute, Rules of Procedure and resolutions, as well as its activity reports and other documents. Information is provided about GRECO's history, structure, member states and current programmes. The site is available in English or French.

Comité Maritime International

Comité Maritime International (CMI) is an international non-governmental organisation established in 1897 to promote the unification of maritime law. Its website explains the history, structure and development of CMI and makes available its constitution and rules of procedure. A collection of jurisprudence on international maritime conventions is provided. Other online texts include the Rotterdam Rules, their travaux préparatoires and associated information; the York-Antwerp Rules; the CMI Uniform Rules for Sea Waybills ;and the CMI Rules for Electronic Bills of Lading.

International Law Commission

Website of the International Law Commission (ILC), which was created in 1947 by the UN to assist in the development, promotion and codification of international law. Documentation arising from annual sessions of the ILC is available on the site back to 1949. A research guide is provided, which gives access to individual texts, instruments and reports adopted by the ILC. The annual reports and yearbooks of the International Law Commission are available from 1949 onwards.

Directory of Arbitration Links and Arbitration Resources Online

Online version of a resource directory listing sources relating to commercial arbitration in the context of private international law, freely presented on the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) website. The Directory is organised in sections offering links to online resources such as: Treaties and Conventions; National Arbitration Laws; International, National and Regional Arbitral and ADR Institutions; Other Organisations, and Arbitration Resources Online. The Directory was originally compiled for print publication in the Yearbook Commercial Arbitration by Rosabel E.

ILO Research Guide

An online research guide providing commentary, bibliographic references and Web links relating to the history, structure and work of the International Labour Organization, the international organization concerned with employment and working conditions and wider issues of social justice and human rights. The guide was compiled by Charlotte Bynum and is available on the Cornell Law Library website. The author gives an introduction to the ILO, its mission and organisation; with explanatory notes and sources covering conventions and recommendations and cases and reports.

Researching US Treaties and Agreements

An online legal research guide compiled by Marci Hoffman, International and Foreign Law Librarian at UC Berkeley Law Library. The guide was published in the features section of in October 2005 and updates an earlier version which appeared in May 2001.The author provides commentary on web resources, with links, and details of relevant printed materials. The guide gives an introduction to the treaty-making process, looking briefly at international treaties and agreements, US treaties and agreements and their ratification and implementation.

United Nations Documentation: Research Guide: International Law

A research guide produced by the United Nations Dag Hammarskj¸ld Library. The guide covers the work of the United Nations in the field of international law. The section on courts and tribunals covers the International Court of Justice, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, the International Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda and for the Former Yugoslavia, the International Criminal Court and the UN Administrative Tribunal.

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