international law

Guide to Foreign and International Legal Databases

An online guide to web resources for foreign and international legal research, on the New York University School of Law's Library website. Suggested materials and websites are presented with brief annotations in a series of subject sections. Sections covered topics such as: International law; International Business Transactions; Council of Europe; Environmental law; European Union; Foreign databases by collection and jurisdiction; Human Rights; International Criminal Law; International Organisations; International Treaties, United Nations Constitutional law of the UN.

Legal Omnibus

A directory of law sites selected by the International Law Institute, a research and education institution based in Washington DC. The links are arranged in categories covering: Development and Trade; Development Banks and related sites; International Development Agencies; Public International law; Private International law; General International resources; US legal resources; Electronic Commerce and Related Business Law; Law and Economics; and Reference Tools.

T.M.C. Asser Institute

Website describing the work and publishing information developed by the T.M.C. Asser Institute, an international legal research centre based at the Hague in the Netherlands, established as an interuniversity organisation. The website outlines the aims and activities of the Institute and presents information about its advice and consultancy services, education programme of seminars and lectures, research projects and cooperative ventures.

Declaration of Helsinki

Text of the Declaration of Helsinki, adopted in June 1964 by the General Assembly of the World Medical Association (WMA). The document is on the WMA's website. It incorporates amendments made at subsequent General Assembly meetings. The declaration concerns ethical principles for physicians and others carrying out medical research with human subjects. It is provided in English, French and Spanish.

International Justice

Sub section of the website of the Global Policy Forum (GPF), focusing on the development of international law. The GPF is a non-governmental body founded in 1993 to monitor the global policy making of the United Nations. This section of its website collects together articles, analysis and news stories related to international justice, including introductory descriptions of key issues and institutions, under headings such as the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, and the Alien Tort Claims Act (of the United States).

Columbia Law School Research Guides

A series of International, Comparative and Foreign Law Web guides prepared by Silke Sahl, International, Comparative and Foreign Law Librarian at the Arthur W. Diamond Law Library, Columbia Law School, New York, USA. Each guide is presented in HTML format and suggests relevant legal research resources with bibliographic details, local library locations and website addresses. The guides cover topics such as: Treaty Research; the United Nations; Researching Public International law; and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.

Westminster Law Library, University of Denver, Research Resources

An extensive collection of finding aids, subject guides and tutorials made freely available on the internet by Westminster Law Library, University of Denver, Colorado. The materials, prepared by the library staff, are mostly presented in PDF format. Some videos are also available and interactive formats are to be introduced. A wide range of legal topics is covered, including international law, US Federal law and Colorado State law.

Texts adopted by the Congress of local and regional authorities

Collection of legal texts adopted by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe (CLRAE) and its forerunner, the Standing Conference of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe. The Congress is an institution of the Council of Europe (CoE) and the texts are on the CoE website. The collection comprises: resolutions and opinions (1957- ); conventions and charters; recommendations (1994 - ); the Council of Ministers' replies to recommendations (2003 - ); and the final declarations adopted at the close of international conferences and meetings.

Council of Europe Publishing

Council of Europe Publishing is the Council of Europe's official publisher and this website is its online bookshop. It provides a full catalogue of priced CoE publications, printed and electronic, from the last ten years. Titles are arranged under the following headings: Committee of Ministers, Parliamentary Assembly, Congress, Human Rights, Law, Health, Society, Environment, Population, Local and Regional Democracy, Education, Modern languages, Youth, Culture, Sport, Communication, European issues and Non-official languages. Basic and advanced search facilities are available.

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