international law

United Nations Treaty Collection

The United Nations Treaty Collection provides free access to a wealth of information about international treaties covering a wide range of subject areas including international human rights, international law, international security, human rights, refugees. It can be used to download full text treaties and check for the latest information on whether certain treaties are in force.


An extensive collection of structured links to world legal information resources on the internet, maintained by Lexadin, the legal technology service based in the Netherlands. The guide offers thousands of links to legal sites in more than 40 countries. The links are organised under the following headings, and subdivided by country: law firms, legislation, law schools, courts and cases, articles and organisations. The site offers users the option to suggest other useful resources under its "add a site" button.

University of Western Australia Law Review

Website for an academic refereed law review published by the University of Western Australia Law School since 1948 on an approximately annual basis. The Review considers a broad range of legal topics and issues from an Australian and international perspective. The site provides contents of issues and overviews of articles published from 1993 onwards to date. A cumulative index covers items published from 1982-1992. Notes to authors, a style guide and information about the editorial board, subscriptions and advertising rates are also available.

New Zealand Refugee Law

New Zealand Refugee Law (RefNZ) provides a searchable database of all the decisions of New Zealand's Refugee Status Appeals Authority (RSAA), the full text of leading decisions, and Practice Notes of the RSAA. New Zealand High Court and Court of Appeal cases dealing with refugee issues are also provided, together with headnotes and a contents index. RefNZ additionally includes papers analysing on New Zealand refugee cases and a forum for comment on current refugee issues. Further sections of the site offer news, comments and statistics.

Eagle-i Service

Eagle-i is a legal information gateway service developed by the Library at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies in the School of Advanced Study, University of London. The service aims to identify, classify and publish comprehensive links to substantive materials and legal-interest resources worldwide. The service includes pull down menus and structured link pages that pinpoint resources and offer them by jurisdiction, organisation, and subject topic.

Harvard Human Rights Journal

Web pages of the Harvard Human Rights Journal, an annual journal edited by the students at Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. The journal is aimed at academics and legal practitioners who work in human rights, and focuses on new developments and innovations in the human rights field. The site offers full text content from 1999 onwards and tables of contents from 1988 onwards. Recent issues have articles on United States ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, reform of the United Nations and extraordinary rendition.

Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law

Website for Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law, an academic journal published by Yeshiva University in New York. The journal, formerly known as the New Europe Law Review, seeks to examine the legal, political, and social changes transforming international affairs. The site offers contents listings of published issues from volume 14, 2006 onwards. Full text articles from the journal are available to subscribers to HeinOnline.

Counter Money Laundering

The Counter Money Laundering website is a resource for professionals in law, banking and financial services. The site includes information about money laundering with sections on the history of money laundering, who launders money and why they do it, money laundering and the euro and the funding of terrorism. The site is maintained by Silkscreen Consulting, a money laundering and fraud prevention company providing training and consultancy.

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