human rights


Priv-War was a collaborative project by seven European academic institutions, including the University of Sheffield in the UK, which ran from 2008 to 2011. It was coordinated and hosted by the European University Institute in Italy. The aim of Priv-War was to look at the use of private military companies and security companies in situations of armed conflict and examine national and international regulatory frameworks. The website provides the final recommendations of the Priv-War project, together with press releases and two reports produced during the project.

Human rights by country

Guide to human rights in UN member states, on the website of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). Human rights documents and news are provided for each country. The documents include Special Procedures reports, reports of UN Treaty Bodies and information about the status of human rights treaties. The site is in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and Chinese.

Australian Human Rights Centre (on AustLII)

This section of the AustLII (Australasian Legal Information Institute) website provides information about the Australian Human Rights Centre (AHRCentre), an inter-disciplinary research and teaching institute based at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). The Centre is engaged in research and teaching on Australian and international human rights law and publishes the Australian Journal of Human Rights and the Human Rights Defender.

ICC Legal Tools

ICC Legal Tools is a web database providing information and commentary about international criminal law. Developed by the Legal Advisory Section (LAS) of the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC), it is aimed at all those dealing with international war crimes cases.

State-sponsored homophobia

Series of reports issued every year or so by The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA World). Available in English and Spanish, they provide a worldwide survey of national legal systems and laws, highlighting discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Disability Studies Resources Guide: Disability Rights & Policy

Resource guide for disability rights and policy on the website of Syracuse University. The guide is arranged into broad sections providing access to policy websites, United Nations documents and United States organisations and government bodies. Direct links are given to the Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 and to related disabilities laws and regulations.

Doughty Street Chambers

Website of Doughty Street Chambers a UK based chambers specialising in human rights and civil liberties law. The site provides profiles of barristers, academic experts and other staff at the chambers and information on the areas of law covered. A collection of articles and papers and CPD podcasts by Doughty Street Chambers' barristers, associate tenants and academic experts are available to download from the site. Free registration is required to download the podcasts. The site also has a page of links to related human rights websites.

United Nations: Department of Economic and Social Affairs Disability

This part of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs website provides information on the Department's work involving people with disabilities. There is a link to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and to information on the work of other UN agencies concerning disabilities. There is guidance on how the Sustainable Development Goals work for disabled people and details of recent events and issues are given.

Visiting the Senegalese legal system and legal research: a human rights perspective

Online article about the legal system and human rights law of Senegal written by Horace Sègnonna Adjolohoun, a lawyer and human rights expert. The article was published in 2009 on New York University's Globalex website. It gives an overview of the Senegalese legal system and guidance on researching the law of Senegal. There is a section on the status of international human rights law, covering the ratification and implementation of international agreements and the interpretation of international human rights law in the Senegalese courts.

Scottish Human Rights Commission

The Scottish Human Rights Commission (SHRC) was created by The Scottish Commission for Human Rights Act 2006, and formed in 2008. This followed several years of reports and feasibility studies. Its mandate is to "promote all human rights ¹ civil, political, economic, social and cultural". The website contains details of the Commission's Strategic Plan, and will also include news, publications and events as they become available.

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