human rights

Human Rights Lawyers Association

The Human Rights Lawyers Association (HRLA) is a professional organisation launched in 2003 to provide a forum for lawyers, academics and students interested in human rights law. Activities of the HRLA include publishing papers and articles, organising seminars and workshops and providing consultancy and advice. The website sets out the aims of the HRLA, events and membership details. The site also provides access to conference papers and a page of annotated web links to related sites.

Professor A.F. Bayefsky of York University, Toronto, and a team of researchers have produced this site. Its aim is to enhance the implementation of the human rights legal standards of the United Nations and to increase access to these documents by making materials associated with the treaty system available in electronic and user-friendly form.

Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq

Cambridge Solidarity with Iraq (formerly called CASI) was formed in 1997 by a group of Cambridge students in the UK, concerned about the effects of the UN trade sanctions against Iraq. It was wound up in 2003, but the site is still available as an archive. There are also some interesting links to further information for those wanting to learn more about Iraq, its economy and trade sanctions.

European Social Charter

Council of Europe website providing information for the public about the European Social Charter. The site includes recent news, presentations on the charter, information on the European Committee of Social Rights and a survey country by country. The site is fully searchable and available in English and French, with some sections in other languages.

Freedom of Information Center

Website of the Freedom of Information Center, an online library based at the University of Missouri School of Journalism. The Center was established in 1958 and contains over a million articles on freedom of information in the United States. The home page has links to current news stories and the FOI Advocate, an online newsletter, provides a digest of news stories with links to the full-text and online reports. The guide to media law is aimed specifically at journalists and includes links to organisations, judgements and legal research sites.

Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG)

The Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG) is is a Montreal-based independent research and media group of progressive writers, academics and activists who are critical of globalisation and the New World Order. In their view, globalisation and war are connected and lead to a concentration of private wealth. This site exposes the activities of global banks, financial institutions and multinationals. There are articles on the latest news events. There are archives of earlier news articles and links to other websites with similar sympathies to CRG.

AAAS Science and Human Rights Program

Website of the Science and Human Rights Program established in 1976 as a unit of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Directorate for Science and Policy Programs. The SHR "works with scientists to 'advance science and serve society' through human rights". The Science and Human Rights Newsletter is available free to those who register, and full details of other publications are provided. There are links to all ongoing and completed projects that the SHR Program is involved with.


The Minelres website provides a directory of resources relating to minority human rights and other issues connected with the transition period in Central and Eastern. It includes publications by international and non-governmental organisations, national legislation, bibliographies and country information. The countries covered are Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine.

Rights of Women: empowering women to access their legal rights

Rights of Women (ROW), founded in 1975, is a charity providing legal advice and information for women and carrying out policy work and training in related areas. The website gives details of its advice lines and provides factsheets on topics including divorce, domestic violence, parental responsibility, civil partnerships, immigration and asylum and child support. It also includes policy publications and details of training and other events.

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