human rights

Uganda Human Rights Commission

The Uganda Human Rights Commission is an independent constitutional body which was established under the constitution to protect and promote human rights in Uganda. Its website provides information on the history, function and work of the commission. It includes access to all its annual reports from 2001 to date, some full-text reports and papers on human rights and human rights abuse in Uganda and full-text human rights legislation. The Commission's Tribunbal hears human rights cases and decisions can be downloaded from the site.

United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

Website of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNFPII), an advisory body of the United Nations Economic and Social Council, whose role is to provide expert advice and raise awareness of indigenous issues in the UN. The site has information on the history and development of the UNFPII, profiles of members and a calendar of events. Official documents and resolutions relating to indigenous issues can be viewed on the site in a variety of languages along with documents and recommendationsfrom from sessions of the UNFPII.

People and Planet

People and Planet is the largest student network in Britain which campaigns for alleviation of world poverty, better human rights and protecting the environment. Groups are based at universities and colleges and run by students. The site has full details about campaigns and how to get involved. Job vacancies are sometimes listed.

UC Berkeley War Crimes Center

The UC Berkeley War Crimes Center was founded in 2000. It is involved in training judges and monitoring and archiving information relating to war crimes trials. Its website provides information on the purpose and activities of the Center. It includes news about ongong trials plus access to full-text documents relating to specific cases. Topics covered include: the Nuremberg 1945 trials, war crimes tribunals and trials relating to Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Indonesia and East Timor.

University of Durham Human Rights Centre

Website of the Human Rights Centre at the University of Durham's Department of Law. The site gives details of research projects being undertaken at the Centre. These are focused on the areas of International Human Rights, European Human Rights and domestic law. There are profiles of staff at the Centre along with a list of their publications. The site also provides a link to the Department of Law's Human Rights Act database containing bibliographical references to articles and cases relating to the Human Rights Act 1998. Links to related human rights websites are also given.

Refworld (UNHCR)

A large collection of law and policy documentation relating to refugees and statelessness, provided free by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) since 2007 as a resource for decision-making on refugee status. The database includes country reports sourced from the UN, NGOs, governments, international organisations, academic institutions and judicial bodies, focusing on the country situation and human rights issues.

Transitional Justice Institute

Website of the Transitional Justice Institute, a research centre based at the University of Ulster. Transitional justice is defined on the site as being the "interim legal arrangements which come to the fore as states enter into transition from violent conflict to peace and democracy". Profiles are given of staff at the Institute along with details of their publications and links to full-text articles where available. Details are given of forthcoming events and research projects taking place at the Institute. A Peace Agreements Database is made freely available to browse or search.

Bar European Group

Website of the Bar European Group (BEG), a specialist bar association of the Bar of England and Wales relevant for those practising or interested in European law and issues surrounding the European Union. The site gives information about BEG's activities, details of events and other relevant material. The site also has membership information and a page of related Web links.

Carr Center for Human Rights Policy

Website of the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, founded in 1999 and based at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. A large collection of the Center's publications is available on the website for free, including research reports, conference reports and articles. Information is also provided about events and courses and there are profiles of the research fellows and staff.

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