human rights

National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia

Website of the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia (NHRCM) an organisation concerned with the promotion and protection of human rights in Mongolia. The site has background information about the Commission including an organisation chart and details of commissioners, staff and international partners of the NHRCM. There is also information on the work and activities of the Commission which includes education, research and hearing complaints regarding human rights violations. Annual full text (PDF) reports on the state of human rights and freedoms in Mongolia are also made available.

Trial of Saddam Hussein: Law Library of Congress

This site was established by the Law Library of Congress to provide students with background information about the trial of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein in 2005/6. It includes information about the historical background to the trial, the jurisdiction and organisation of the Tribunal and the legal process. There are links to further reading, treaties and legal documents relating to the trial and to other websites.

Human Rights First

Human Rights First is an advocacy organization based in New York City and Washington, DC. Areas of concern include: international justice and the ICC, international humanitarian law, international refugee policy, campaigns against torture and support of refugees and asylum-seekers in the US. Its website provides information on the aims of the organisation and its activities. It includes news alerts, press releases and papers.

Kenya Human Rights Commission

The Kenya Human Rights Commission is a non-governmental body established in 1992 to monitor the state of democracy and human rights in Kenya. Its website provides information on the history, purpose and activities of the organisation. It includes access to recent press releases and details of programmes being undertaken. Topics covered include transitional justice, political corruption, the state of democracy in Kenya, human rights abuses and the conduct of elections and referendums.

Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: US Department of State

These reports are compiled annually by the United States Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. They provide assessments of the current state of human rights as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This covers: individual, civil, political, and worker rights. Topics covered include: summary of human rights legislation, assessments of democracy and womens rights. Reports are available from 1999 onwards.

Commonwealth and International Human Rights Case Law Databases

These two databases are compiled by INTERIGHTS, the International Centre for the Legal Protection of Human Rights, and made freely available on their website. One covers human rights decisions in the courts of Commonwealth countries and the other covers the decisions of international courts and tribunals. The databases can be searched separately or together. There is a summary of each case and some judgments are available in full.

Chancellor of Justice of the Republic of Estonia

Official Website of the Estonian Chancellor of Justice whose role is to guarantee the constitutional rights and freedoms of individuals and to ensure legislation conforms with the Constitution of Estonia. The site explains the work of the Legal Chancellor and includes a PDF copy of the Annual Report of the Legal Chancellor which provides a more in-depth look at work and activities undertaken. The site has a search engine and can be viewed in Estonian, English and Russian.

Legal Journal on Burma

The Legal Journal on Burma (LawKa Pala) is published by the Burma Lawyers' Council (BLC), an independent organisation of lawyers and legal academics promoting human rights and democracy in Burma. The journal contains feature articles, commentaries and reviews focused on the legal and political issues in Burma and is available online back to 1997, in pdf format. .

European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT)

The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) is a Council of Europe human rights body. Its mandate is to monitor the treatment of detainees and prisoners in its member nations in order to protect and promote their human rights. Its website provides information on the aims of the organisation, its operation and activities. It includes press releases, annual reports and reports on individual nations from 1989 to date.

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights

The Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights is an independent institution within the Council of Europe. Its website provides information on the Commissioner's work, including articles, reports, speeches and press releases. The reports include annual surveys of human rights law and legislation in the Council of Europe area, observation reports from individual nations and thematic reports on topics such as the protection of human rights for the Roma, minority ethnic group rights, protection of the rights of children and women and actions against human trafficking.

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