human rights

New York University Journal of International Law and Politics

Founded in 1968 with the aid of a Ford Foundation Grant, the New York University Journal of International Law and Politics (JILP) features articles on international legal topics by leading scholars and practitioners, as well as notes, case comments and book annotations. JILP publishes four issues per year on diverse topics in both public and private international law. From volume 36 (2003/04) onwards each article is available in full, free of charge. For earlier volumes (back to vol. 26), contents lists are provided, with links to abstracts of some articles.

Committee on the Administration of Justice

The Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ) was established in 1981 and seeks to maintain high standards in the policing and administration of justice in Northern Ireland and to ensure that it complies with international human rights law. The website provides details on the purpose and activities of the organisation. It includes annual reports from 1995 onwards, lists of publications and recent press releases and newsletters produced.

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) is a body in the Inter-American system and an organ of the Organisation of American States (OAS) which promotes and protects human rights in the Americas. Its website provides information on the purpose, operation and activities of the IACHR. This includes access to the full-text of a number of documents produced by the body, including annual reports, reports on the human rights situation in specific, Latin South American or Central American nations and investigations into human rights violations within the region.

'Ever closer union' in need of a human rights policy: The European Union and human rights

This site contains the full-text of a Jean Monnet Working paper by Philip Alston and J.H.H. Weiler published by Harvard University in 1999. The document examines the existing strengths and weaknesses of human rights policy in Europe. In particular it focuses on the recognition of human rights issues in EU treaties and the current institutional arrangements. Criticisms of the current system are made. These include the belief that there is an excessive reliance on judicial remedies. Recommendations which include the establishment of new monitoring agencies are made.

Children and Armed Conflict Unit

The Children and Armed Conflict Unit is a joint project of the Children's Legal Centre and the Human Rights Centre at the University of Essex. Its aim is to provide information on the impact of war on children and to analyse existing human rights law in order to provide a better protection of childrens' rights. Its website provides information on the scope of the project, recent news stories relating to on-going conflicts worldwide, and details of the Unit's recent field visits to specific war zones.

human-rights-50 mailing list archive

This list is to encourage academic discourse on the impact of the International Declaration of Human Rights 50 years on. Open to researchers and students, this list seeks to explore current issues and questions of the future relevance of the declaration & to be a general information resource. The site contains an archive of all messages submitted to the list (they are retained for 2 years) which can be interrogated using the free text or keyword search facility.

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