human rights

Quebec Human Rights Tribunal Decisions

A CanLII database presenting all decisions of Quebec's Human Rights Tribunal since its creation in 1991; the data is supplied by the Tribunal. Simple and advanced query options are provided to search the collection. CanLII, the Canadian Legal Information Institute, is a key service providing free access to Canadian primary legal materials. The service has been designed by LexUM at the University of Montreal (using software developed by AustLII) on the initiative of the Federation of Law Societies of Canada. The site is available in both official languages of Canada, English and French.

Flyktinggruppernas och Asylkommittéernas Riksråd (FARR)

The website of the Swedish Network of Asylum and Refugee Support Groups (FARR). FARR is a voluntary national membership organisation which gives legal advice to asylum seekers and seeks to ensure that the Swedish authoritiesabide by national and international refugee law when deciding upon asylum applications. The site provides access to FARR's quarterly newsletter "Artikel 14" (Swedish only), together with asylum news, contact details for local FARR refugee and asylum seeker support groups, and advice for refugees and asylum seekers on Swedish asylum procedure and policies.

Index to 19th Century French Political Trials from the Labadie Collection

Index to a collection of more than 400 verbatim reports of trials against leaders of revolts, journalists and their editors, which took place in France during the 19th century. The reports are part of the Labadie Collection at the Special Collections Library of the University of Michigan and the index is published on the Library's website.

Online resource produced by the Danish Centre for Human Rights in cooperation with a number of Danish NGOs. The site provides news on human rights issues collected from Radio Denmark, the national daily newspapers, Berlingske Tidende, Information, Politiken and the weekly Weekend Nu. It includes links to other national and international organisations working on human rights issues. The site is available in Danish or English.

International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs

Website of the International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA), an independent international membership organisation, that aims to promote "indigenous peoples' human rights, self -determination, right to territory, control of land and resources, cultural integrity, and the right to development." The site provides information about human rights issues, indigenous issues, abstracts of IWGIA publications, and links to other organisations and institutions working with indigenous people and development issues. The site is available in English and Spanish.

European Roma Rights Center

The European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) monitors the human rights situation of Roma in Europe and offers legal defence to Romani victims in cases of human rights abuse. The organisation also publishes news about Romani civil rights and human rights abuses relating to Roma. The ERRC website provides the Center's quarterly newsletter Roma Rights, together with ERRC publications on Roma listed by country, region and theme. The site is in English, with some materials in Romani or Russian.

Global Exchange

Founded in 1988 and based in St. Francisco, USA, Global Exchange is a 'non-profit research, education, and action' organisation, 'dedicated to promoting environmental, political, and social justice around the world'. Its colourful website offers information and news about the organisation's activities, including its ongoing Global Exchange campaigns on issues in the USA and various third world countries (especially in South America).

British Institute of International and Comparative Law

The British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) is a London-based organisation working in the fields of commonwealth law, comparative law, European law, international law and conflict of laws. BIICL was established in 1958, incorporating the Grotius Society and Society of Comparative Legislation. The website describes the institute's aims and activities focusing on the international rule of law and legal order, human rights and the development of international commercial and financial law.

United Nations Human Rights Council

The UN Human Rights Council is the successor to the UN Commission on Human Rights. It is responsible for promoting and protecting human rights around the world. The Council's website gives details of its membership, rules of procedure, advisory committees and working groups, meetings and other events. There is information about the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), whereby the HRC reviews the human rights record of each UN Member States every four years.

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