human rights

Inter-American Children's Institute

The Inter-American Children's Institute (IIN) is a specialised organisation of the Organization of American States (OAS), focusing on the promotion and protection of children's rights. The website has background information on the IIN, including its statutes and rules of procedure. IIN publications are available and the site also provides information on the Institute's work in the areas of child law, children's rights, combating sexual exploitation and tackling child abduction.  The site can be viewed in English or Spanish but some of the content is in Spanish only.

Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights

Website of Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) a not for profit human rights organisation whose central aim is to promote human rights in Zimbabwe. The site gives details ZLHR's litigation and advocacy work and provides news of its recent human rights cases. The Resources section includes policy papers, reports, studies factsheets and other ZLHR material.

Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse

The Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse is an initiative of the Law School at Washington University in St. Louis. Designed to increase understanding of civil rights litigation in the United States, it is a collection of US civil rights case documents, focusing on areas such as child welfare, disability rights, immigration, prison conditions, election/voting rights, juvenile institutions, nursing home conditions, public housing and school desegregation.

Law in Zimbabwe

Guide to the law of Zimbabwe by Jimcall Pfumorodze and and Emma Chitsove, academics from the University of Botswana. Published on New York University's Globalex website and periodically updated, it gives historical and background information to the law in Zimbabwe and details of the sources of Zimbabwean law, including legislation, case law, customary law and common law.


The EUREL website compiles information about the social and legal status of religions in more than 30 European countries, plus Canada.

Lawyers for Human Rights

Website of Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR), a non-governmental organisation working to promote and strengthen human rights in South Africa. The site provides background information on the LHR and details of its work, which focuses on areas including penal reform; the rights of refugees, migrants and stateless people; land and housing; environmental rights; and gender equality. HLR research reports and other publications are available on the site, together with campaign information and news items.

Redress: seeking reparation for torture sufferers

Website of REDRESS, a London-based human rights organisation helping torture survivors and working towards eliminating the use of torture. Provides background information about REDRESS and its work, including casework on behalf of individual survivors, legal and institutional reform, international standard setting, raising awareness and running training programmes in countries where torture is carried out.

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