
National Native Title Tribunal

Website of the Australian National Native Title Tribunal, a government body which helps the making of agreements among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, governments, industry and others whose rights or interests may co-exist with native title rights and interests. The Tribunal is not a court; its role is as facilitator and mediator. The site gives details of Tribunal members and has factsheets on native title and common law in Australia. Policies and procedures documents are available for both clients and staff, as is advice on how to apply for a determination of native title.

Legal Aid Western Australia

Website of the Legal Aid services for Western Australia, an independent statutory body set up by the Legal Aid Commission Act 1976. The site provides organisational information and details of services including annual reports and other publications made freely available online. A selection of FAQs are given outlining how to apply for and obtain legal aid along with general information on aspects of the law, legal rights and common legal problems in Western Australia. Sections are provided on families, children, immigration, property and making a will.

Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales

Website of the Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales, an independant statutory body which aims to improve access to justice for people in NSW, Australia. The site has information about the full range of Law Foundation activities, including their publications, grants programme and research projects. A selection of publications is available to download from the site for free or to purchase online. There are also a number of free email newletters available providing information on the Foundation''s research and justice initiatives.

Law Society of New South Wales

Website of the Law Society of New South Wales, the professional association for the solicitor's branch of the legal profession in the State of New South Wales, Australia. The site offers legal, professional and management resources for solicitors including access to the Law Society Journal, Caveat Bulletin, Library Catalogue, Law Society Precedents, information on professional conduct and regulation. Many of these are restricted to members only. Information aimed at the public includes advice on a number of legal topics, dealing with a lawyer and making a complaint.

Australian Law Reform Commission

Website for the Australian Law Reform Commission, a permanent independent federal statutory corporation, established in 1975. The Commission is a very effective and influential agent for legal reform in Australia, and publishes a wide range of publications, including Consultation Papers, Final Reports, Annual Reports and Reform journal. The site provides a full listing of all these publications, and provides access to most recent reports in full-text. Since public consultation has always been an important feature, individual issues papers have email composition links for feedback.

University of New South Wales Law Journal

The University of New South Wales Law Journal has been published since 1976, edited by a voluntary student body with faculty advisers. The scholarly Australian academic law journal is published three times a year, and each volume consists of two general issues and one thematic issue. The general issues contain articles on a broad range of legal issues. There is also a Forum section for debate on topics of interest to the legal community. The thematic issues focus on particular legal topics researched and selected by the Board.

University of Western Australia Law Review

Website for an academic refereed law review published by the University of Western Australia Law School since 1948 on an approximately annual basis. The Review considers a broad range of legal topics and issues from an Australian and international perspective. The site provides contents of issues and overviews of articles published from 1993 onwards to date. A cumulative index covers items published from 1982-1992. Notes to authors, a style guide and information about the editorial board, subscriptions and advertising rates are also available.

Bond Law Review

Peer reviewed open-access journal published by Bond University, Queensland, Australia. Focuses on Australian law and occasionally that of other jurisdictions, including New Zealand and China. The entire series is available, from volume 1, 1989, onwards.

Melbourne University Law Review

Website for the Melbourne University Law Review, published under this title since 1957 by students at the University of Melbourne Law School. The Review is a refereed academic journal with an international circulation and reputation. Run by a student editorial committee, it is published three times yearly (April, August and December) and seeks to encourage debate on legal issues as well as provide a forum for legal research and thinking. The Review publishes articles on all areas of law, from constitutional to international, jurisprudence to tax.

Australian Institute of Criminology

The Institute is the national focus for the study of crime and criminal justice in Australia and for the dissemination of criminal justice information. The site contains selected publications and conference papers, a Directory of Australian Researchers in Criminology and Criminal Justice, statistics, research groups, press releases and links to related sites and information.

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