
Australian Government Online

This site provides access to Federal Government information of Australia. Users of the site may browse by subject category or search for keywords or phrases. It includes access to departmental websites, parliament and states and territory governments. There are directories of organisations and individuals, news updates and information on government initiatives and services. Links to full-text government reports, statistics, legislation and papers and information aimed at the public is also offered.

Commonwealth Legal Information Institute

The Commonwealth Legal Information Institute (CommonLII) is a cooperative legal information initiative led by AustLII (the Australasian Legal Information Institute) providing access to freely available legal materials from all Commonwealth countries. CommonLII contains over 400 databases providing case law, legislation, treaties and law reform reports from more than 50 Commonwealth and common law countries and territories.

Native Title Infobase

The Native Title Infobase is a freely available online catalogue provided by the library at the Federal Court of Australia. The catalogue includes selected articles, books, conference papers, reports and press cuttings dealing with native title issues. The earliest items date from 1839 onwards. The emphasis is on Australian materials but relevant information from New Zealand, United States, Canada, Africa and Asia is also included.

Federal Register of Legislation

Website of the Australian Government's Legislation Register which provides access to Commonwealth primary and secondary legislation. The Legislation Register is managed by the Office of Parliamentary Counsel and contains the full text and details of the lifecycle of individual laws and the relationships between them. Legislation is available as amended (in both current and historical versions), and as originally passed. Bills and gazettes are also provided.

Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners

Website of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) a professional body for practitioners in the field of in trusts and estates, executorship and related areas. The site has membership information about STEP (including a searchable online directory) and details of conferences, committees and events. There is information on STEP publications including journals, accounts and pamphlets. Articles and guides to trusts and wills can be downloaded from the site. Details are also given on courses offered by STEP for CPD. Parts of the site are restricted to members.

Australian Centre for Agriculture and Law

Website of the Australian Centre for Agriculture and Law, a joint project of the Faculty of Economics, Business and Law (EBL), the Faculty of the Sciences and the School of Law at the University of New England in Australia. The Centre carries out research and special projects for the Australian agricultural industries. Brief details of research projects are given on the site along with news stories relating to the Centre. Links are provided to PDF files of some of the Centre's publications and research papers written or co-authored by the Centre's staff and Research Associates.

Judicial Conference of Australia

Website of the Judicial Conference of Australia (JCA) an organisation that draws its membership from judges and magistrates in Australia. The JCA is concerned with education and research relating to the judiciary and the quality and accessibility of the judicial system. The site has information on the Executive Committee and Governing Council of the JCA along with news items and details of annual colloquia. Details of publications are also provided including a full text (PDF) copy of a guide to sentencing in Australia.

Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales

Website of the Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales a statutory body whose purpose is to "advance the fairness and equity of the justice system, and to improve access to justice, especially for socially and economically disadvantaged people". The site has information about the Foundation's activities and research and profiles of members of the Board of Governors. Details are given of ongoing and completed projects along with copies of the Foundation's newsletters, guidelines and annual reports which can be freely downloaded from the site.

Queensland Human Rights Commission

Website of the Queensland Human Rights Commission (QHRC), the statutory body responsible for administering the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 in Queensland, Australia. The QHRC promotes equality of opportunity and deals with complaints that fall within the jurisdiction of the Anti-Discrimination Act. A selection of information brochures are provided on the site dealing with various aspects of discrimination including sexual harassment, age discrimination, gender identity, disability discrimination and racial and religious vilification.

Judicial Commission of New South Wales

Website of the independent Judicial Commission of New South Wales, a statutory body whose functions include reviewing sentencing practice, providing judicial training and examining complaints against judicial officers. The site has information about the Judicial Commission and details of members and principle officers. The Commission produce a series of studies on particular aspects of sentencing policy in NSW.

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