
Introduction to public international law research

Research guide providing an introduction to public international law and highlighting the key information sources, written by Vicenç Feliú, Foreign, Comparative and International Law Librarian at Louisiana State University. Last updated in 2016, the guide is available on the Globalex website. It defines 'international law' and gives an introduction to key bodies, including the United Nations, the European Union and the specialised agencies of the UN. There is guidance to researching treaties, with links to collections of treaties and treaty research guides.

International Journal of Cyber Criminology

Website of the International Journal of Cyber Criminology (IJCC), a peer reviewed, interdisciplinary journal focusing on "cyber crime, cyber criminal behavior, cyber victims, cyber laws and cyber investigations". The journal is published twice a year by the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University in India. The IJCC is made freely available online in full text (PDF) and is included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

Studies in Ethics, Law and Technology

Website of the online journal, Studies in Ethics, Law and Technology published by Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress) an academic publisher whose aim is to produce rapidly reviewed, high-quality journals. This journal focuses on the "ethical and legal issues that arise from emerging technologies" and is published three times a year. Recent articles have looked at electronic health records, ethical aspects of road deaths and robotic weapons systems. There is also a special issue on the ethical issues surrounding human enhancement.

Law and Ethics of Human Rights

Law and Ethics of Human Rights is an annual journal published by academic publisher Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress). Each issue focuses on a particular human rights theme. Abstracts are available on the website; full-text articles are available by subscription or by registering to use the guest access facility.

International Insolvency Institute

Website of the International Insolvency Institute, a non-profit organisation whose members include insolvency practitioners, judges and academics. The aim of the III is to promote insolvency as a discipline, improve international cooperation and provide access to insolvency related materials. The site includes organisational information, details of committees and events and a members' directory. A collection of international insolvency resources includes information on and links to international treaties, co-operation initiatives and professional association projects.

Neuroethics and Law Blog

The Neuroethics and Law Blog covers legal and ethical issues concerning the mind and the brain. It is edited by Adam J. Kolber of the University of San Diego. The blog is intended for bioethicists, legal academics, practitioners, neuroscientists, neurologists, criminologists and others. Posts highlight newly published research, news items and details of conferences and events. Links are given to journal articles, research papers and related websites. There is an archive of posts going back to July 2007.

Association for International Arbitration

Website of the Association for International Arbitration (AIA) an organisation concerned with the promotion of arbitration as a form alternative dispute resolution. The site gives details of past and future events organised by the AIA along with the Associationãs publications. There is a directory of members which can be searched or browsed by profession including academics, arbitrators, mediators and counsellors.

Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

The Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at Washington College of Law provides support and training for human rights students, practitioners and activists around the world. Its website has information about the Center's training programmes, outreach work, conferences and publications. Publications are also available, including the student-run periodical, Human Rights Brief, and there is a link to the Center's YouTube channel.

L'Institut de Droit international

The Institute of International Law is a learned society that promotes the development of international law. It was established in 1873 and is based in Belgium. Membership is drawn from eminent international lawyers from around the world. The website provides a history of the institute and the text of its statutes; online versions of the Yearbook of the Institute of International Law from 1873 to 2000; the Institute's resolutions, reports and declarations; a bibliography of publications by and about the Institute; and a directory of members.

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