
International Union of Notaries

The International Union of Notaries is a non-governmental organisation that co-ordinates and develops the notarial profession around the world. Its website provides information about the Union, including its statutes and bye-laws, and lists the national notarial bodies that belong to it. The functions and ethical principles of the notarial profession are outlined.

International trademark law: the Madrid System

Guide to the Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks, by Vicenç Feliú, Associate Dean for Library Services and Professor of Law at Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad College of Law. Published on New York University's Globalex website and updated periodically, it explains registration of trademarks under the Madrid System, which is based on the Madrid Agreement and Madrid Protocol.

European Legal Studies Center

The European Legal Studies Center (ELSC) is based at Columbia Law School in the United States. It conducts teaching and research in the fields of European, international and comparative law. Its website provides details of courses and of clerkships and internships available at European institutions. There is also information about the Center's events.

Trial of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal Nuremberg, 14 November 1945 - 1 October 1946

Digitised version of the 42-volume 'Blue book' series: official records of the trial of Nazi and military leaders accused of war crimes during the Second World War by the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg. Provided online by the Library of Congress, they include evidence and verdicts against Hermann Wilhelm Goering, Rudolf Hess and Albert Speer. Some background information on the purpose, remit and organisation of the Tribunal is also provided.

European Journal of Legal Studies

The European Journal of Legal Studies (EJLS) is an open access peer-reviewed electronic journal covering comparative, international and European law and legal theory.  It was launched by the Law Department of the European University Institute in April 2007. EJLS is a multilingual publication, but a large proportion of the articles are in English. It can be browsed by issue and there is also a search facility.

OECD Legal Instruments

Database of legal instruments adopted by the Council of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Includes decisions, recommendations and conventions, browseable by subject, type, title, date, reference number or committee. There are also basic and advanced search facilities. The database is available in English and French.

LSE Law Working Papers

This working paper series was started in 2007 by the Law Department of the London School of Economics (LSE). Originally called the 'Law, Society and Economy Working Paper Series', it publishes interdisciplinary legal scholarship by members of the department. The entire series is available to browse and download. It is also possible to sign up for free email delivery (all papers, or papers on subjects of interest).

Privacy - OECD

Section of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) website devoted to its work on privacy. An overview of the policy area is provided, together with links to documents including the OECD Privacy Guidelines; the 2022 'Declaration on government access to personal data held by private sector entities'; and the 2007 'Recommendation on co-operation in cross-border enforcement of privacy law'. The OECD website is available in English and French.

Researching customary international law, state practice and the pronouncements of states regarding international law

Guide to customary international law (CIL) research by Silke Sahl published on New York University's Globalex website in 2007 and updated by Renu Urvashi Sagreiya in 2024. The guide gives an introduction to CIL and outlines sources of state practice including official pronouncements, treaties, national laws and the documentation of international organisations and courts. Printed and online research resources are suggested, such as foreign ministry websites and yearbooks of international law.

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