
Inter-American Children's Institute

The Inter-American Children's Institute (IIN) is a specialised organisation of the Organization of American States (OAS), focusing on the promotion and protection of children's rights. The website has background information on the IIN, including its statutes and rules of procedure. IIN publications are available and the site also provides information on the Institute's work in the areas of child law, children's rights, combating sexual exploitation and tackling child abduction.  The site can be viewed in English or Spanish but some of the content is in Spanish only.


Fishlex is a database produced by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization, an online version of the Coastal State Requirements for Foreign Fishing. It gives details of national legislation relating to foreign fishing in waters under national jurisdiction and of the participation of each country in relevant international agreements. Links to national legislation and international agreements are provided, where available. Fishlex can be searched by country, regional organisation or broad geographical area.


Global collection of water law information maintained by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization. Part of the FAOLex service, it provides national legislation from around the world, together with international agreements and information about transboundary waters. For selected jurisdictions there are also outlines of the national regulatory framework relating to water.

Research guide on transboundary freshwater treaties and other resources

Online guide to international agreements dealing with fresh water written by retired US research librarian Arundhati A. Satkalmi. The guide was published in 2007 (and updated in 2023) on the Globalex website, which is run by the Hauser Global Law School Program at New York University. The author gives an introduction to the subject and includes links to major agreements, collections of water treaties, international organisations, international water commissions and to individual articles, bibliographies and judgments.

Collection Development Policies and Other Basic Tools for Building A Foreign and International Law Collection

Guide to building a foreign and international law collection, by Barbara H. Garavaglia, Librarian Emerita and Former Director of the University of Michigan Law Library, and Seth Quidachay-Swan, Head of Collection Development and Access Services at the University of Michigan Law Library. Available on New York University's Globalex website, it covers the organisation of the foreign law section and of international and transnational material.

Tax Law Design and Drafting: volumes 1 and 2

Online version of "Tax Law Design and Drafting", edited by Victor Thuronyi, on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) website. The book is published by the IMF and provided in two volumes, published in 1996 and 1998. The site gives access to selected chapters from both volumes, in pdf format. Volume 1 looks at tax laws in developed countries and includes chapters covering the legal framework for taxation, drafting tax legislation, regulation of tax professionals, VAT, excises, tax on buildings and land, taxation of wealth and social security taxation.

Cybercrime law

Website edited by international cybercrime expert and retired judge Stein Schjolberg. Provides cybercrime news up to 2018, together with a collection of papers on the subject from 2007 to 2014.

ITU Cybersecurity Activities

Information about the work of the United Nations International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in the field of cybersecurity, covering radiocommunications, fraud and cyber attacks, child online protection and more. Provides resources for governments, the public and businesses, including good practice guides, reports, studies, a repository of national cybersecurity strategies and the ITU's Global Cybersecurity Index. Also includes news and details of events.

Research guide on TRIPS and compulsory licensing:access to innovative pharmaceuticals for least developed countries

Online guide focusing on the legal and economic factors preventing poorer countries gaining access to innovative drugs, by patent attorney Do Hyung Kim. Pubished on New York University's Globalex website and updated periodically, it gives background information about the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and looks at the problems of compulsory licensing, such as the risks of arbitrage and counterfeit drugs.

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