
Yearbook of the United Nations

The Yearbook of the United Nations records the work of the United Nations, covering all areas of its responsibility. Each Yearbook lists all major General Assembly, Security Council and Economic and Social Council resolutions. It also contains information on major UN decisions, lists of key personnel and appointments, details of budgets and key UN reforms. The website provides all volumes, 1946-2006. A single volume can be selected from a drop-down menu. There is also a search facility which can search either the entire series or shorter date-ranges.

Amsterdam Law Forum

The Amsterdam Law Forum is an open access journal produced by the Law Faculty at VU University in Amsterdam. The journal is published quarterly and contains articles on contemporary international, European and comparative law, scientific papers and book reviews.

Forced Migration Guide

Online guide to the information resources and research literature of forced migration written by Elisa Mason who is an independent information specialist who focuses on forced migration issues. It is intended to provide students and researchers with a solid introduction to the main research tools and resources available for the academic study of forced migration. This includes coverage of refugees, internal displacement and human trafficking.

Indigenous and Tribal Peoples

This section of the International Labour Organization (ILO) website deals with the employment rights of indigenous and tribal peoples. There is background information on the ILOãs work with indigenous and tribal peoples and details of ILO projects designed to provide support and assistance to these people and to governments. Full text copies of international legal instruments promoting the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples are provided on the site along with their ratifications and an account of the effects these conventions have had.

Probation and Parole Database

The International Probation and Parole Website (IPPW) is a joint project of the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), the National Probation Directorate for England and Wales, the Department of Corrections of New Zealand and the Government of Western Australia - Department of Justice. The IPPW is made freely available on the UNICRI website. The site provides an online directory of links to organisations around the world concerned with probation. This can be browsed by country, category (governmental, voluntary, professional etc) or client.

Exploring Humanitarian Law

Exploring Humanitarian Law (EHL) is an online education programme designed by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Education Development Center Inc. (EDC). EHL is a free resource providing learning and teaching materials aimed at the 13 to 18 age group. The materials are organised into modules covering topics such as the humanitarian perspective, limits in armed conflict, the law in action, dealing with violations and responding to the consequences of armed conflict.

Hague Justice Portal

The Hague Justice Portal is maintained by the Hague Academic Coalition, a consortium of academic institutions. The Portal provides news stories, factsheets, and research papers relating to the work of the Hague institutions, courts and tribunals, including the International Criminal Court; International Court of Justice, International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia; Iran-United States Claims Tribunal; Permanent Court of Arbitration; Special Court for Sierra Leone.

Defining international terrorism in light of liberation movements

Online article looking at the difficulties faced by the international community in defining international terrorism written by Innocent Maja who is the Senior Partner of Zimbabwean law firm, Maja and Associates Legal Practitioners. The article was published in 2008 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author covers the years 1936 to 1990 and the post cold war years highlighting significant events that have led to difficulties in agreeing a definition of international terrorism.

Council of Europe: action against economic crime

Website of the Economic Crime and Cooperation Division of the Council of Europe (CoE), which brings together information on the work of relevant CoE committees. Conventions, projects, standards and details of monitoring and other activities of the CoE are grouped under the following topic headings: corruption; money laundering; cybercrime; judicial cooperation; exploitation of human beings and organised crime.

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