
International Environmental Law Research Centre

Website of the International Environmental Law Research Centre (IELRC), a non-profit research organisation established in 1995 and based in Switzerland. The work of the IELRC focuses on international environmental legal issues. There is organisational information on the site and details of the IELRC's work which includes research, consultancy and teaching. Details are given of IELRC research programmes which cover biodiversity, climate change, human rights and intellectual property. Related articles are included as HTML or PDF documents.

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is involved in combating illicit drugs and international crime. The website describes its work, which encompasses areas such as the reform of criminal justice systems and prisons as well as fighting marine piracy, corruption, human trafficking, terrorism and money laundering. A database of national legislation on drug control, the Legal Library, can be found on the site, together with a collection of model laws and a page of treaties related to drugs, crime and terrorism.

Holocaust Denial on Trial

Website hosted by Emory University in the United States focusing on the 2000 libel trial of David Irving v. Penguin Books and Deborah Lipstadt, but also including up to date news and comment on similar issues. The site provides background information and FAQ's about the trial and the holocaust. Coverage of the trial includes a transcript and a full-text copy of the judgment, as well as details of the appeal.

Hertfordshire Law Journal

The Hertfordshire Law Journal (HLJ) is published twice yearly by the University of Hertfordshire's Centre for International Law and is made available on their website for free. The HLJ was launched in 2002 and focuses on international commercial law and policy. It is aimed at academics, practitioners and those in the business community.

World Trade Organization

WTO research guide compiled by the Peace Palace Library at The Hague. Gives a brief introduction to the WTO, a bibliography and links to blogs and other web resources. Also mentions relevant databases. The guide is primarily intended for users of the Peace Palace Library, so it focuses on print and online material available at the Library; however, the information is also of interest to other researchers. The guide is in English.

Journal of International Economic Law

Web pages of the Journal of International Economic Law, which is published by Oxford University Press (OUP). The site provides free access to contents and abstracts and subscribers can read full-text articles dating from 1998 onwards. The journal is aimed at scholars, government officials and legal professionals and includes editorials, articles, book reviews and notes. The journal looks at legal issues relating to international economic activity.


UNILEX is a browsable database produced by the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT). It contains case law and bibliographies relating to the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) and the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts. The text of each instrument is provided, along with a list of participating countries. The cases are arranged by date, country, arbitral award and by article and issues.

Minority Rights Information System

Website of the Minority Rights Information System (MIRIS), hosted by the European Academy of Bolzano (EURAC), a research institute established in Italy in 1992. The database provides information on the implementation of minority rights in the member states of the Council of Europe and includes national legislation and case-law, international treaties and agreements of the UN, Council of Europe and the OSCE, case studies and specific documents on minority groups. Texts are made available in English and the official language of the state concerned.

World Trade Law is a US-based information service produced by former international trade lawyers Simon Lester and Kara Leitner, providing access to both free and subscription resources. Free aspects of the site include full-text World Trade Organization (WTO) documents along with agreements of the Uruguay Round and Tokyo Round. There are WTO Appellate Body Reports, WTO Panel Reports and GATT Panel Reports, documents concerning WTO negotiating history, a selection of trade articles and links to related sites.

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