
World Organization Against Torture

The World Organization Against Torture is a non-profit human rights advocacy group described as the "main coalition of international non-governmental organisations (NGO) fighting against torture, summary executions, enforced disappearances and all other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment".The website provides access to policy documents, reports and events covering their main programme areas. These include the rights of the child, violence against women, assistance to victims and addressing the economic, social and cultural causes of torture.

Code of Canon Law

Online version of the Roman Catholic Code of Canon Law, provided by IntraText, an open-access digital library. The Code is the most recent compilation of ecclesiastical law for the Roman Catholic church, revised in 1983 and made up of 1,752 canons in 7 books. Canon law is the law of the Church's courts and includes rules for the governance and regulation of the clergy and the church. The website includes concordances and word lists which can be ordered alphabetically or by frequency of occurrence.

Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies

Website of the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies at Concordia University. Presents information about events and courses, news and selected papers from the MIGS Occasional Papers series. The "Memoirs of Holocaust Survivors in Canada" project makes available unpublished diaries and memoirs from victims of the Holocaust through the site. There is also a set of annotated links concerning genocide and related topics.

Genocide Studies Program, Macmillan Center for International and Area Studies

Website providing information about the Genocide Studies Program at Yale University. The Program was founded in 1998. Its projects include research into genocide in Rwanda, Cambodia, East Timor, Sudan and Former Yugoslavia. Searchable bibliographic, biographic, geographic, and photographic databases are available on the site, together with full-text papers and articles.

Prevent Genocide International

Website of Prevent Genocide International, a non-profit education organisation with an ultimate aim to prevent genocide. The website provides educational material about Genocide - including the legal definitions and the major writings by Dr Raphael Lemkin for the years from 1933-1947. It also includes the text of the Genocide Convention, domestic laws implementing the Genocide Convention, documents and articles related to the prevention and punishment of Genocide (including the 1985 Whittaker Report). Groups of people covered include Armenians, Roma, Kurds and Bosnians.

Genocide Watch

Genocide Watch is a non-governmental organisation which campaigns against genocide. Its website includes news items, the text of the Genocide Convention, background information about genocide and analysis of areas where genocide is happening or is at risk of developing. A current project is focusing on the Cambodian Genocide; a section of the website is devoted to this.

International Society of Family Law

Web pages describing the aims and work of scholarly society the International Society of Family Law (Association Internationale de Droit de la Famille, or Internationale Gessellschaft fur Familienrecht). The website is hosted at Brigham Young University in the United States. It provides information about membership and key officers, together with details of publications and conferences, copies of the ISFL Family Letter and a page of web links. Parts of the site are restricted to members.

Boston College International and Comparative Law Review

The Boston College International and Comparative Law Review is a biannual journal publishing commentary on international and EU law issues. It includes articles by both students and academics. Each spring issue of the journal features articles on a variety of international and comparative law topics; each winter issue is a survey of European Union developments. The website makes available several old issues of the journal (1999 to 2002), free of charge.

Understanding Children's Work

This site brings together research conducted by the International Labour Organisation, Unicef and the World Bank. Its objectives are "to improve child labour research, data collection and data analysis; to enhance local and national capacity for child labour data collection and research; and to improve the assessment of existing interventions in this field." The project encourages interaction between researchers, but also disseminates information to the wider public. There are several databases posted on the site, for example Child Labour Data Sets and Country Statistics.

Netherlands Helsinki Committee

Website of the Netherlands Helsinki Committee (NHC), a non-governmental organisation promoting human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Europe and in Central Asian countries that are members of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). The NHC supports the work of international and national governmental and non-governmental organisations including the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights. Its activities include fact-finding missions, lobbying and various projects.

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