
Professor A.F. Bayefsky of York University, Toronto, and a team of researchers have produced this site. Its aim is to enhance the implementation of the human rights legal standards of the United Nations and to increase access to these documents by making materials associated with the treaty system available in electronic and user-friendly form.


The Religlaw website is maintained by the Brigham Young University International Center for Law and Religion Studies in Utah. There are links to religion and law news stories, guides to religious freedom and frameworks for law and religion in different jurisdictions.

European Social Charter

Council of Europe website providing information for the public about the European Social Charter. The site includes recent news, presentations on the charter, information on the European Committee of Social Rights and a survey country by country. The site is fully searchable and available in English and French, with some sections in other languages.

International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers

Website of the International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (IAML) a "worldwide association of practising lawyers who are recognised by their peers as the most experienced and expert family law specialists in their respective countries". The IAML was founded in 1986 and their aim is to improve international family law practice throughout the world. The website provides background information about the work of the academy, gives profiles of it's members and officials and details of events. Copies of the IAML Newsletter are available in PDF on the website.

Animal Legal and Historical Web Center

Website of the Animal Legal and Historical Web Center which is a project based at the Michigan State University - Detroit College of Law. The site provides free access to primary legal materials and guides to the law. US laws and cases are arranged by state or subject. Subjects covered include animal rights, dog fighting and exotic pets. There is also information on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). The emphasis of the site is on U.S law but it includes legal materials from other countries such as the United Kingdom, Brazil, Malawi, Poland and Taiwan.

Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG)

The Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG) is is a Montreal-based independent research and media group of progressive writers, academics and activists who are critical of globalisation and the New World Order. In their view, globalisation and war are connected and lead to a concentration of private wealth. This site exposes the activities of global banks, financial institutions and multinationals. There are articles on the latest news events. There are archives of earlier news articles and links to other websites with similar sympathies to CRG.

Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen

The Faculty of Law at the University of Copenhagen is Denmark's largest law school, and one of the largest in Northern Europe. The library facilities include the Law Research Library, which contains a large collection of international literature on law subjects, and the Library of Criminology and Criminal Law. The holdings of the Library of Criminology and Criminal Law cover the subjects: Criminology, Criminal Law and Sociology of Law.

Institute of Business Law and Comparative Law and Politics

Website of the Institute of Business Law and Comparative Law and Politics (IBC), University of Tokyo. The IBC was formed in 2006 through the integration of the Center for Foreign Law Materials (established in 1963), the International Center for Comparative Law and Politics (ICCLP, established in 1993) and the Business Law Center (established in 2001). The site has information about the activities of the Institute. It provides access to a few full-text publications, such as the ICCLP Review (1998-2002), and gives bibliographic details of others.


The Minelres website provides a directory of resources relating to minority human rights and other issues connected with the transition period in Central and Eastern. It includes publications by international and non-governmental organisations, national legislation, bibliographies and country information. The countries covered are Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine.

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