This site provides access to all the Human Rights and Democracy annual reports published by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office from 1998 onwards. They provide detailed information on the strategy and actions of the British government in promoting human rights abroad. They also include comments on FCO activity by the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Select Comittee and key NGO bodies. Each report contains sections relating to activity towards individual nations information on liaison with EU bodies and other international organisations such as the United Nations plus detailed sections on sub-categories of human rights work. The latter include projects relating to: conflict resolution and peace-keeping; women's and childrens rights; justice; humanitarian aid; the promotion of economic and social rights; election monioring and democratic rights. Reports also contain listings of key FCO speeches and articles and information on the status of ratification of international human rights treaties. The site also includes recent Uk government press releases, and statemetns about its human rights policy.
Human Rights and Democracy reports
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