foreign policy

UK in a Changing Europe

Website of the UK in a Changing Europe research initiative which is based at King’s College London and looks at key aspects of UK and EU dynamics. Research is focused on Brexit and covers a wide range of issues viewed from a legal, political and economic perspective. The site gives details of the various research projects being conducted including the effect of Brexit on UK residents in Europe, Brexit and Northern Ireland, health law outside the EU and the effect of Brexit on UK and EU immigrations policies.

Belgian Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation

The Belgian Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation website provides access to official information about the foreign, trade and development policy of Belgium. The News section covers departmental news, press releases and speech transcripts from the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister for Development Cooperation. The Services section gives advice to individuals travelling to Belgium and to Belgians abroad and provides links to Belgian embassies and consulates.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania

Official website for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, available in Lithuanian, English, Russian and French. As well as detailed information regarding the officers, operations and mission of the ministry, the site also contains a number of English translations of key documents, such as foreign policy statements, press releases and speeches. There is also a browsable database of English translations of all bilateral and multilateral treaties.

Government of Lesotho

This is the official website of the African kingdom of Lesotho. It provides information on the structure and function of government in the region and its recent activities. It includes access to the full text of the Constitution, lists of cabinet members and a directory of government websites including links to all the main departments and ministries. Also available are recent government press releases and political speeches.

Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh

This is the official gateway to the internet sites of the Bangladeshi government. It provides links to the main ministries, the judiciary, other government departments and parliament. There is background information on the legal, education, governmental, health and tax systems in Bangladesh. Also provided are links to current news about the region, the full-text of the constitution and recent economic and budgetary reports. All information is offered in English.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Thailand

Website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand. The site offers historical and background information, a country profle including an overview of government and politics in Thailand and an outline of the Thai foreign policy. There is an online copy of the Business Handbook which is aimed at Ministry of Foreign Affairs diplomatic personnel encouraging foreign investment and international trade with Thailand. Press releases and a complete list of Thai embassies around the world are also available. Other information provided on the site is available in Thai only.

Avalon Project : American Diplomacy : multilateral treaties and agreements

This site is maintained as part of Project Avalon which is organised by Yale University Law School. It offers access to the full-text of a large number of international treaties signed by the United States from 1863 to the present day. They include: the Hague Convention for the Settlement of International Disputes, the Geneva Convention for the Treatment of Prisoners of War and the 1944 Armistice Agreements which ended the second world war. The material is arranged alphabetically.

Avalon Project : the Barbary treaties 1786-1836

The Barbary Treaties were a series of nine agreements concluded by the United States and the Barbary nations of Morocco, Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli, between 1786-1836. This site provides the text of most of these documents, taken from volumes 2 and 3 of 'Treaties and Other International Acts of the United States of America' (US Government Printing Office,1931). An introduction and notes to the treaties by the editor, Hunter Miller, are also available. The information is provided by the Avalon project at Yale University.

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