
Intellectual Property Society

Web pages of the Intellectual Property Society, a membership organisation whose purpose is to, "increase public awareness of, and participation in, the evolution of intellectual property rights and emerging technologies." The Ipsociety organises events and forums, details of which, appear on the site.The 'readings' section of the site presents articles and presentations by members of the Society which can be viewed in PDF format.

United States Military Commissions: A Quick Guide to Available Resources

Online resource guide to United States military commissions (a form of military tribunal) compiled by Stephen Young who is a reference librarian at the Kathryn J. DuFour Law Library at the Catholic University of America. The guide provides links and references to primary and secondary materials relating to US military commissions and includes an introduction explaining what military commissions and tribunals are. There is a selection of relevant journal articles and an annotated list of links to Internet sites and finding tools.

Peace Agreements Digital Collection

The Peace Agreements Digital Collection aims to provide free access to all peace treaties signed since 1989, in both inter- and intra-state conflicts. The collection is maintained by the Jeannette Rankin Program as part of the Margarita S. Studemeister Digital Library in International Conflict Management. It is possible to browse the collection by continent and nation, or to search by key word.

Military Law and Justice

Military Law and Justice is the Website of Philip D. Cave, an United States law firm specialising in military law. The site provides a guide to the rights of US military personnel and links to organisations concerned with military law and justice. There is a comprehensive collection of links to U.S military legal sites including specialist courts, administrative hearing bodies, law reviews and manuals dealing with military justice. The site also includes a bibliography of books and articles concerned with military law and links to external news stories

Society of Maritime Arbitrators

Website of the Society of Maritime Arbitrators (SMA) an organisation based in the United States whose aim is to promote alternate dispute resolution (ADR) in the maritime industry. The site provides access to SMA rules, profiles of members and its code of ethics. There is a copy of the United States Federal Arbitration Act and a guide to maritime arbitration in New York. The SMA's newsletter is made available in full-text online in HTML or PDF format. This contains legal news and summaries of recent decisions and awards.

Al-Islam.Org: Digital Islamic Library

Al-Islam.Org is a special project of the Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project (DILP). It aims to digitise and present on the Internet quality Islamic resources, related to the history, law, religious practice, and society of the Islamic religion and the Muslim peoples with particular emphasis on Twelver Shia Islamic school of thought. It is divided into a number of subject areas where users can find links to articles, papers, presentations and reports. Topics of interest to social scientists include: Islamic law, Islamic philosophy and Islam and politics.

Center for Constitutional Rights

The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) was established in 1966. It is a leading independent US body which campaigns and litigates for the protection of US civil liberties and international human rights. Its website provides information on the aims of the organisation and its campaigns. It includes access to press releases, case notes, campaign materials and full-text pamphlets and reports.

NHGRI Policy and Legislation Database

This part of the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) website provides free access to United States legal materials relating to genetic research. The database includes federal and state laws and statutes, federal legislative materials and federal administrative and executive materials. Topics covered include patenting, discrimination, genetic testing and counselling and privacy of genetic information. Content can be searched for by type, topic or source. There is also a clickable map which can be used to select state materials.

A selective guide to online international arbitration resources

Online guide to arbitration organisations and databases written by Gloria Miccioli who is International Librarian at law firm Jones Day in the United States. The guide was published on the features page of in June 2004. There is background information to the arbitration process, guidance to carrying out arbitration research and finding arbitral awards.

UK Constitutional Reform

Online guide providing background information and links to organisations and legal materials relating to constitutional reform in the United Kingdom. The guide is written by Lesley Dingle, International & Foreign Law Librarian at the Squire Law Library, University of Cambridge, and Bradley Miller, a reference librarian at the Squire Law Library. The guide was published on the features page of in June 2004. It gives an introduction to the present constitution and an outline of key legislation which has affected the constitution.

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