
Uniform Law Commission

Website of the Uniform Law Commission (National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws), a non-profit organisation made up of Uniform Law Commissioners who are lawyers appointed by state governments to review state law increase uniformity. The site provides a copy of the ULC constitution and details of commissioners and standing committees. A copy of the drafting manual can be downloaded from the site in PDF format. There is a database of uniform and model acts which can be browsed by title or state giving legislation in full-text in a range of formats. 


The WATCH File (Writers, Artists, and Their Copyright Holders) is a database providing contact details for copyright holders who have unpublished material in libraries in North America and the United Kingdom. WATCH is aimed at scholars who may wish to use this material. The database is produced jointly by the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center at The University of Texas and the University of Reading Library. WATCH is searchable by name and a number of search tips are provided.

bepress Legal Repository

The bepress Legal Repository is a collection of freely available, law-related working papers contributed by a network of academic and research organisations and hosted on the Berkeley Electronic Press website. Indexed working paper collections cover topics including employment law, general law, health law and policy, intellectual property law, law and economics, law and society, public law and legal theory and taxation. The repository can be browsed by working paper collection, subject or institution and papers can be searched using a simple or advanced search facility.

Criminal Justice Policy Foundation

Website of the Criminal Justice Policy Foundation (CJPF) a United States based charitable organisation whose aim is to "educate the public about the impact of drug policy and the problems of policing on the criminal justice system". The CJPF provides information to policy makers and criminal justice professionals through education programmes, conferences and publications. The site has sections covering drug policy, sentencing policy, clemency policy, police policy and crime policy.

Rules and Policies

This page forms part of the United States Courts website and makes available rules of practice, procedure and evidence currently in use in the federal courts. There are full-text copies of rules, background information on the rulemaking process, proposed and past amendments and minutes of relevant committee meetings such as the Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure and the Advisory Committee on Rules of Civil Procedure.

Social Security Programs Throughout the World

A four volume series covering social security systems in Europe, Asia and the Pacific, Africa, and the Americas produced by the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) and the International Social Security Association (ISSA) and made freely available on the SSA Website. This reference work provides summaries of social security systems in individual countries which can be viewed in HTML or PDF. The entire report can be downloaded in PDF. Broad headings include old age, disability and survivors, sickness and maternity, work injury, unemployment and family allowances.

Securities Class Action Clearinghouse

The Securities Class Action Clearinghouse website is produced by Stanford Law School in association with Cornerstone Research, a business litigation consultancy. The site provides "detailed information relating to the prosecution, defense, and settlement of federal class action securities fraud litigation". There is an index of filings presented with case summaries which can be browsed chronologically or by company name. Decisions are arranged alphabetically by company.

National Institute of Military Justice

Website of the National Institute of Military Justice (NIMJ) a non-profit organisation based in Washington DC whose aim is to "advance the administration of military justice in the Armed Forces of the United States". The site provides access to a range of documents and links relating to military justice in the US including basic documents such as the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), the Manual for Courts Martial and a Military Justice Fact Sheet. There are recent legal cases, reports and commentaries and legal materials relating to military commissions.

Online Burma/Myanmar Library- Law and Constitution

The Online Burma/Myanmar Library is described as "a database which functions as an annotated, classified and hyperlinked index to full-texts of individual Burma documents on the Internet." This section of the database provides access to primary and secondary legal materials relating to Burma and includes topics such as constitutional law, international law, economic laws, nationality, criminal law, drug legislation, labour laws and women and the law.

International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network

Website of the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN) a membership organisation set up to help governmental organisations involved in the enforcement of fair trade practice laws in different countries share information about cross border problems affecting consumer interests. The site gives details of ICPEN's activities which include internet sweep days targeting illegal internet scams. There is a list of member countries with links to their trade practices law enforcement authorities along with a page of links to related organisations.

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