
State Bar of Arizona

Website of the State Bar of Arizona (Azbar) a membership organisation representing and regulating the legal profession practising in Arizona in the United States. As well as information about the organisation itself the site provides advice and information for lawyers and the public. There is a directory of Arizona lawyers, links to Arizona legal information and consumer brochures, aimed at the public, dealing with common legal problems. There is also advice on working with lawyers and details of lawyers who have been disciplined by the State Bar.

Recording Industry Association of America

The website of the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) provides information about the organisation and its role in representing the US recording industry. One of its key goals is to help protect its members' legal rights in areas such as copyright enforcement and webcasting. Information on the site covers topical matters such as anti-piracy, copyright issues, music copyright notices and music and the internet. There is information about federal, state and international laws governing these areas.

United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

Website of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNFPII), an advisory body of the United Nations Economic and Social Council, whose role is to provide expert advice and raise awareness of indigenous issues in the UN. The site has information on the history and development of the UNFPII, profiles of members and a calendar of events. Official documents and resolutions relating to indigenous issues can be viewed on the site in a variety of languages along with documents and recommendationsfrom from sessions of the UNFPII.

Alliance for Justice

Website of Alliance for Justice (AFJ) an umbrella group for United States organisations working to "advance the cause of justice for all Americans, strengthen the public interest community's ability to influence public policy, and foster the next generation of advocates." The AFJ raises public awareness on policy issues by publishing policy alerts, reports and fact sheets provided on the site along with detailed profiles of judges nominated to the federal bench.

NYU School of Law: Jean Monnet Center

The Jean Monnet Center at New York University School of Law is supported by the European Commission under the Jean Monnet project. The Center is concerned with European integration and its website provides details of the Center's activities, courses and staff, plus useful information for researchers. Jean Monnet Working Papers are available in full text from 1995 onwards; recent working papers have covered cultural diversity, judicial protection of individuals and EU constitutionalism after the failure of the Constitutional Treaty.

Review of Law and Economics

The Review of Law and Economics is an electronic legal journal published in cooperation with the European Association of Law and Economics (EALE) and the Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress) and made available on the bepress website. The journal publishes articles on "theoretical and empirical interdisciplinary research in law and economics-related subjects". Article summaries are provided in HTML and include the date the article was submitted and a suggested citation. Full-text articles are available in PDF to users whose institutions subscribe to the titles.

New Horizons: Resources for International Competition Law Research

Online guide to international competition law resources written by Jean M. Wenger, Government Documents/Foreign & International Law Librarian at the Cook County Law Library in Chicago.The guide was published on the features page of in March 2005 and covers key online and printed resources relating to international competition law. There is background information and links to international and regional competition organisations and to key documents and materials produced by these bodies.

Sources of United States of America legal information in languages other than English

Online guide to finding United States legal information in languages other than English written by Mark E. Poorman, an attorney licensed to practice law in Texas and California who also holds a Masters Degree in Law Librarianship and Legal Informatics. The guide provides background information to the US legal system and statistics relating to the number of people living in the US for whom English is not their first language.

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