
Neurotrauma Law Nexus

The Neurolaw website is hosted by United States law firm Fick and Petty who specialise in traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury litigation. The site is aimed at survivors and families affected by these issues. Background and medical information about traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury is given covering morbidity and mortality, costs, causes, prevention and living with these conditions. There is also information on the various causes of neurotrauma including coma injuries, electrical injury, toxic exposure, cranial nerve injury and multiple sclerosis.

Hieros Gamos: Advertising Law

Online resource guide offering annotated links to websites in the field of advertising law and regulation. The links are organised into categories including United States, Europe, international, organisations relating to advertising law and links to publications, articles and lawyers covering advertising law.

Constitution of Tajikistan

Electronic copy of the 1994 Tajikistan Constitution made freely available online by the Comparative Constitutions Project at the University of Texas at Austin. The Constitution is provided in PDF and is amended up to 2003. The document sets out the rights and powers of the executive, legislative and judicial functions of government in the region. It also details the individual rights of the citizen.

Virginia Journal of Law and Technology

Website of the Virginia Journal of Law and Technology (VJOLT) an electronic legal journal produced by students at the University of Virginia School of Law. VJOLT contains feature articles focused on the "issues arising from the intersection of law and technology". Issues are available back to 1997 with full-text articles presented in PDF format and abstracts provided in HTML. Articles can be browsed by date or topic including biotechnology, comparative law, emerging technologies, internet, privacy, telecommunications and patent law.

William S. Hein

Website of US legal publisher Hein whose products and services include HeinOnLine a subscription database containing legal periodicals, U.S. Reports and the U.S. Federal Register. Hein also publish legal texts, microform publications and distribute legal periodicals. The site has information about the history of the company and its mission statement. There is a catalogue of book and journal titles published by Hein and other legal publishers which can be browsed by subject or searched by author, title or ISBN.


HeinOnline is a subscription database produced by U.S. legal publisher William S. Hein in collaboration with Cornell Information Technologies and the Cornell University Law Library. The database includes an extensive library of image-based full-text legal publications including out-of-print and historical legal research materials. Materials are grouped into a range of libraries including the Law Journal Library, US Supreme Court Library, English Reports, Treaties and Agreements Library, Legal Classics and the US Presidential Collection.

Iraq : Research Guide to Legal Documents, Legal News and International Law

Collection of links to online news stories, and other material, relating to legal issues in Iraq. Resources have been compiled by Vincent Moyer at the University of California, Hastings Law Library. Links to Iraq news stories come from sources around the world along with selected online articles discussing international legal issues in Iraq. There are links to information on inspections and sanctions, human rights issues, the treatment of prisoners and resources dealing with the law of war. Links to various document collections and related research websites are also provided.

Implementation of the Basel Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision, Experiences, Influences, and Perspectives

Online document prepared by staff at the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2002 and made freely available on the IMF website. The document is concerned with the Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision (BCP) which were introduced by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) in 1997. This paper reviews the experience of the IMF and the World Bank who have conducted BCP compliance assessments in 60 countries. The paper looks at developments in the financial markets and in banking supervision. The document is presented in PDF format.

Mexican Laws

Mexican Laws is a subscription service supplying English translations of Mexican laws including regulations, decrees and standards. Legal areas covered by the service include health and safety, environmental law, labour law, social security, customs, import/export, transport, health and agriculture law. A selection of free articles and guides are also available on the site including an online newsletter which provides information on recent developments in Mexican law.

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