
Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy

The Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy is published irregularly by students at the University of Kansas School of Law. The aim of the journal is to explore "how the law shapes public policy choices and how public policy choices shape the law". The Journal contains scholarly articles, and recent issues are made freely available in PDF format. Recent subjects covered include safety in US schools, government lawyer ethics and information disclosures by government. The site also provides editor details and subscription information.

New York University Law Review

The New York University Law Review is published six times a year by the New York University School of Law. The Law Review includes articles, essays, student notes and book reviews which are made freely available online back to 2007. Recent articles have dealt with subjects such as cybercrime, class actions, administrative law in the 21st century and immigrants and the right to petition. Titles and abstracts are presented in HTML format with the full-text in PDF. The site also gives editor details and subscription information.

Harvard Journal of Law and Technology

The Harvard Journal of Law and Technology (JOLT) is published twice yearly by students at the Harvard Law School and is made freely available online back to 1988. Articles, case notes and book reviews are presented in full-text in PDF format covering the legal aspects of the Internet, e-commerce, intellectual property and telecommunications. Recent articles have looked at data mining and antitrust, patent law uniformity and regulating broadband internet access.The site gives details of JOLT's symposia and details of the editors and staff.

Washington University Journal of Law and Policy

Website of the Washington University Journal of Law and Policy which is published three times a year by students at the Washington University School of Law. Articles and notes are made freely available in full-text in PDF format with each journal issue focusing on a particular subject. Recent subjects have included access to justice and social responsibility of lawyers, new directions in clinical legal education and immigration. The journal is available online back to 1997. The site also gives details of the Editorial Board.

Women and criminal justice

Women and Criminal Justice is a journal published by Routledge. It publishes scholarly interdisciplinary and international research, iincluding both qualitative and quantitative studies, for academics and professionals. Tables of contents and abstracts from 1989 onwards are available, and users may register to access a sample copy. Access to full-text articles is for subscribers only, although it is possible to purchase individual issues.

Federal Courts Law Review

The Federal Courts Law Review (FCLR) is published by the Federal Magistrate Judges Association (FMJA) which is based in the United States. The FCLR is an online legal journal providing scholarly articles written by academics, judges and legal practitioners focused on the federal courts. Articles and reviews are listed online in the order in which they were posted. The abstracts are presented in HTML, with full text available in pdf format for more recent articles. The FCLR was established in 1997 and articles are available online back to 1998. There is also a site search engine.

Federal Magistrate Judges Association

Website of the Federal Magistrate Judges Association (FMJA) a membership organisation which represents US Magistrate Judges appointed to serve in the United States district courts. The site gives background information to the role of Magistrate Judges and a selection of statistics relating to their work. There is also information on becoming a law clerk, a link to the FMJA's online publication, Federal Courts Law Review and a page of external web links. Parts of the site are restricted to members only.

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