
Women's Legal History Biography Project

A collection of educational materials aiming to record the history, lives, work and careers of pioneering women lawyers in the United States, derived from a course on women's legal history at Stanford Law School. Materials offered by the site include: articles, research guides and bibliographies, biographical profiles, obituaries and a photographic archive of early women lawyers. A list of links to other relevant Internet sites is also provided. A section of the site concentrates on Clara Shortridge Foltz the first women lawyer on the Pacific Coast (California 1978).

ASIL Electronic Resource Guide : International Criminal Law

An online guide to International Criminal Law materials available on the web, written by Gail Partin as part of the ASIL's Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law. Gail Partin is Associate Director and Law Librarian at the Dickinson School of Law. The author describes and links to primary materials such as treaties, sources of conventions and agreements and decisions from courts, tribunals and other adjudicating bodies dealing with international criminal cases at international, regional and national level.

ASIL Electronic Resource Guide : International Environmental Law

A chapter of the American Society of International Law's online Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law, concerned with International Environmental law. This chapter has been written by Anne Burnett, Reference and Foreign and International Law Librarian Law Library, University of Georgia School of Law, USA. The author provides an overview of the subject and suggests general search strategies for conducting legal research into international economic law on the Internet.

ASIL Electronic Resource Guide: International Economic Law

International economic law chapter of the ASIL Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law. The chapter, written and compiled by Jean M. Wenger who is Government Documents and Foreign and International Law Librarian at Cook County Law Library, provides an overview and commentary supported by links to websites. It identifies resources related to: international trade, international financial law, regional economic integration, international development law, private international law, international business regulation and intellectual property law.

ASIL Electronic Resource Guide : Private International Law

An online resource guide offering commentary and links relating to Private International Law, the body of international legislative materials regulating private rather than national relationships across borders, written and compiled by Louise Tsang, working in law school and law firm libraries in the US and Canada. This guide forms a chapter of the American Society of International Law's Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law.

United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: guide to research and literature

An online bibliographic guide prepared by Claire Germain of Cornell law library made freely available on the Cornell Law School website. The guide provides explanatory notes, bibliographic details and links to internet resources related to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (also known as the Vienna Convention and CISG). There is historical information on the Convention, guidance on research issues, references to commentaries and major texts and to judicial and arbitral decisions interpreting the Convention

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