
Roberto Unger Websource

This is a site devoted to the work of Roberto Unger who is a law professor at Harvard Law School and a critical legal scholar, philosopher and social theorist. The site provides access to a selection of articles and chapters from books and journals, biographical articles about Roberto Ungera and a bibliography. There is also a page of links to other legal theory and social theory websites.

Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center

Website of the Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center (TraCCC), a research institute looking at the links between terrorism, transnational crime and corruption, based at the School of Public Policy at George Mason University in Virginia in the United States. The site has background information and links to research and resources on the issues TraCCC is involved with including corruption, money laundering, human trafficking, terrorism and security.

H-Law discussion network

Section of the H-Net electronic discussion list and directory dedicated to legal issues. The service is sponsored by the American Society for Legal History with editorial work on the Law list undertaken at San Francisco State University. The site posts material furthering scholarly, intellectual and professional dialogue on legal history and constitutional issues. Discussion logs can be viewed by author, subject and date and discussion threads are arranged by topic including aboriginal law, copyright, juries, legal historiography, the Holocaust and slavery.

Researching Canadian law

A comprehensive research and resource guide for Canada, identifying and describing print, online and web sources of law and legal materials. The guide has been written by Ted Tjaden who is Director of Knowledge Management at McMillan Binch Mendelsohn LLP in Toronto . The guide was published in 2005 and updated in 2007 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School at the New York University School of Law. The author offers an overview of the Canadian legal system and provides background information and sources of Canadian legislation and case law.

Landmark Judicial Legislation

A collection of key acts establishing and developing the structure of the judiciary and the authority of the Federal Courts in the United States of America. The site has been compiled by the Federal Judicial History Office at the Federal Judicial Center in Washington DC. A browse screen presents a timeline listing of the legislative measures with links to the relevant documents made freely available in HTML format. Materials include article III from the US Constitution and 21 statutes of historical significance. The online texts are taken as published from United States Statutes at Large.

American Society of Criminology

The American Society of Criminology is an international organisation which promotes research and education in all areas of criminal justice. It has divisions focusing on corrections and sentencing; critical criminology; experimental criminology; international criminology; people of color and crime; and women and crime. The website describes the work of the Society and provides information about its annual meeting. The Publications page includes a link to criminology abstracts.

Trade Agreements

The Trade Agreements section of the SICE Foreign Trade Information System site developed by the Organization of American States (OAS). The site includes a collection of full text multilateral and bilateral trade agreements relating to international trade and to members of the OAS. There is documentation relating to customs unions including MERCOSUR, CARICOM, CACM and the Andean Community, multilateral agreements such as GATT and regional scope agreements. Agreements can also be viewed by country. A site search engine is available.

International Law Commission

Website of the International Law Commission (ILC), which was created in 1947 by the UN to assist in the development, promotion and codification of international law. Documentation arising from annual sessions of the ILC is available on the site back to 1949. A research guide is provided, which gives access to individual texts, instruments and reports adopted by the ILC. The annual reports and yearbooks of the International Law Commission are available from 1949 onwards.

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