
Treaty Reference Guide

This reference guide is available free on the website of the United Nations Treaty Collection. Part I explains and defines the different types of international instrument, such as treaties, conventions, charters, protocols, declarations, memoranda of understanding and exchanges of notes. Part II is a glossary of terms relating to treaty actions, such as accession, deposit, entry into force, modification, ratification and signature ad referendum. The guide is in available in English or French; html, pdf or plain text versions are provided.

Private International Law

Free online resources for private international law (PIL), collated by the Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Private International Law at the US Department of State. The database is split into 4 subject sections: Trade and Business Transactions Law; Family Law; International Judicial Assistance; and the law governing Wills, Trusts and Estates. Each of these sections includes a selection of primary documents under the following headings: PIL Conventions to Which the U.S. Is a Party; PIL Conventions -- U.S.

Trade and Related Agreements Database

Database containing the texts of trade and related agreements, maintained by the US Department of Commerce's Trade Compliance Center (TCC). The database aims to give free public access to agreements in force between the US and its trading partners dealing with manufactured products and services. Agreements can be searched or browsed and viewed by type- intellectual property rights agreements, WTO agreements, free trade agreements and bilateral investment agreements. There is also guidance to the different types of agreement.

Texas Courts Online

Official website offering free access to a range of judicial and court materials and relevant internet links for the US State of Texas. There is information and documentation published about and by state courts, agencies and committees covering the structure and jurisdiction of the courts, information on Texas judges and statistics. There is a directory of all courts in the state of Texas. Links are given to other Texas legal sites, related bodies and to searchable collections of cases for the Texas county and appellate courts.

World Factbook of Criminal Justice Systems

The World Factbook of Criminal Justice Systems is a collection of reports, organised alphabetically by country, containing information about the criminal justice system in operation in each country. The Bureau of Justice Statistics, US Department of Justice, has funded the factbook. Each narrative has been composed by an expert in the field. The factbook is aimed at giving scholars, researchers and criminal justice practitioners a better understanding of the various systems in operation in each country in an attempt to help them in their work, especially in the area of transnational crime.

National Institute of Justice International Center

The National Institute of Justice's (NIJ) International Center website is an online information resource that aims to "stimulate, facilitate, evaluate and disseminate" criminal justice research and information. The Center is a part of the US Department of Justice. The resources are aimed primarily at practitioners, researchers and policymakers whose professional interests lie in the globalization of crime. The site offers access to information about the Center and its aims, recent events at the Center, an international calendar of upcoming events and NIJ's involvement with the UN.

National Institute of Justice

The website of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) is the research and development arm of the United States Department of Justice. Its website covers the work of the institute, news, funding opportunities and publications. A section listing the programs currently being run by the Institute is included with links to the individual program sites. 

ILO Research Guide

An online research guide providing commentary, bibliographic references and Web links relating to the history, structure and work of the International Labour Organization, the international organization concerned with employment and working conditions and wider issues of social justice and human rights. The guide was compiled by Charlotte Bynum and is available on the Cornell Law Library website. The author gives an introduction to the ILO, its mission and organisation; with explanatory notes and sources covering conventions and recommendations and cases and reports.

Mexican Trademark and Copyright Law as it applies to E-Commerce

An online research guide focusing on industrial property, trademark and copyright laws relating to electronic commerce in Mexico. The guide, prepared by Jose-Juan Mendez, a local partner of Baker & McKenzie in Mexico City, provides commentary supplemented by a selection of links to sources available on the internet. The author describes trademark and copyright measures in Mexican law and outlines the risk of using trademarks and copyrights in e-commerce and the Internet.

Baldy Centre for Law and Social Policy

The Baldy Center for Law and Social Policy is based at the University of Buffalo Law School in New York State, USA. The Center supports interdisciplinary study of law, and services the research needs of socio-legal scholars. The Center also houses the editorial offices of the interdisciplinary journal, "Law and Policy". The site outlines research activities and programs conducted at the Center, providing information about faculty and staff, student information, notification of forthcoming events and publications.

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