European Union Law

European Union Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law

The European Union Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law (IMPEL) is an informal network of environmental authorities from the EU Member States and candidate countries, plus Norway. Set up in 1992, IMPEL aims to promote more effective application of legislation on the environment, particularly EU legislation. Current projects concernthe implementation of the EU emissions trading scheme and the application of legislation on the control of industrial pollution .

European e-Justice portal

The e-Justice portal is a one-stop shop for lawyers, businesses and members of the public concerned with cross-border legal questions in Europe. It has information about the judicial and legal systems of all member states and provides access to EU and national legislation and case law. 15 tools or dynamic functions are available, including Find a Lawyer, Find a Company, the Fundamental Rights Interactive Tool, the Competent Court Database and a training platform for lawyers and the judiciary. The site can be accessed in all the official EU languages.

EIF Implementation Database

Database of studies of implementation of EU legislation, produced and managed by Dimiter Toshkov of Leiden University with the support of the Institute for European Integration Research at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. The database brings together quantitative academic research concerning the implementation of directives and compliance with EU law.

Institute of European and Comparative Law

Website of the Institute of European and Comparative Law, a specialist research centre based at the University of Oxford whose aim is to enhance the Law Faculty's teaching and research activities in the field of European law. The site gives profiles of academic and administrative staff and research fellows at the IECL along with details of courses and publications. There is information on conferences and events taking place at the Institute including online materials from past events.

ASIL Electronic Resource Guide: European Union

Online guide focusing on electronic resources for researching the law of the European Union, written by Marylin Johnson Raisch who is Associate Law Librarian for International and Foreign Law at the John Wolff International and Comparative Law Library of the Georgetown Law Center in the United States. This guide forms a chapter within the ASIL's Guide to Electronic Resources for International law and is made freely available on the American Society of International Law's website.

European Private Law Forum

Web pages of the European Private Law Forum, a research group based at the Law Department of the European University Institute. The Forum carries out research into the Europeanisation of private law. The site has information about the Forum's projects which include Tenancy Law and Procedure in the European Union and Real Property Law and Procedure in the European Union.

European Union: a guide to tracing working documents

Online guide to researching the working documents (travaux préparatoires) of the European Union, by Patrick Overy of the University of Exeter. The guide is on New York University's Globalex website and was last updated in 2016 . The author provides information about the availability of documentation from the Inter-Governmental Conferences (IGCs); guidance on the different types of working documents produced by the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union; and information about where to find documents.

PLC Competition

PLC Competition is a subscription database aimed at commercial lawyers and competition specialists providing updates, practical guidance and information on developments in key areas of competition law. PLC Competition is one of the services offered by legal information provider, Practical Law Company. The service includes information on UK competition law in the form of practice notes, checklists, precedents and other resources.


INSOL-Europe is an organisation of lawyers, accountants and insolvency practitioners specialising in insolvency, bankruptcy, and business reconstruction and recovery. The site has organisational information including a copy of the constitution, details of committees and the Executive, Council and Secretariat .The INSOL-Europe journal, Eurofenix is published quarterly and can be downloaded from the website in PDF. There is guidance on publishing and registering the opening of insolvency proceedings in EU Member States as covered by articles 21 and 22 of the EU Insolvency Regulation.

International Insolvency Institute

Website of the International Insolvency Institute, a non-profit organisation whose members include insolvency practitioners, judges and academics. The aim of the III is to promote insolvency as a discipline, improve international cooperation and provide access to insolvency related materials. The site includes organisational information, details of committees and events and a members' directory. A collection of international insolvency resources includes information on and links to international treaties, co-operation initiatives and professional association projects.

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