European Union Law

European University Institute

The European University Institute was founded in 1972 by the European Community Member States to provide advanced academic and cultural training on a European basis. Its website offers information on the purpose of the Institute and details of its ongoing research. The site provides free access to the EUI publications repository, Cadmus, which contains bibliographic details of books, articles and theses and full text content of EUI working papers.

European Court of Auditors

The European Court of Auditors (ECA) was created in 1977 and acts as the official auditor of European Union finances. Its website offers details of the role and purpose of the ECA, its annual reports on the EU budget from 1977 onwards and the external auditor's reports from 1997 onwards. It also has a collection of ECA opinions going back to 1977 (via Browse Publiactions, on the home page) as well as briefing papers, background papers, reports, speeches and other documents. The Library pages include a bibliography concerning the EU budget.

European Integration Online Papers

European Integration Online Papers (EIoP) is an ejournal published by the European Communities Studies Association, Austria (ECSA-A). It covers the historical, political, legal, economic and sociological aspects of European Integration. Past issues covered include: monetary policy, enlargement of the EU, governance of Europe, European constitution, single European Currency (Euro) and citizenship. The full text of each paper is provided in HTML or PDF. Papers from 1997 to 2005 can be browsed by subject- political science, law, economics or sociology- or searched by title or author.


These pages have been prepared by Dr David Jukes, Senior Lecturer in Food Regulation at the University of Reading to assist students taking courses in food law. The site has teaching materials and information on the law relating to additives and food labelling. There are legal news items concerning food law in the UK, the EU, CODEX, FAO and WHO, from 1996 onwards. <p> Links are provided to food legislation for the United Kingdom and European Union. UK links go back to 1995; some legislation is listed back to 1959, but the site does not profess to be complete.

Court of Justice of the European Union

Official website of the Court of Justice of the European Union. The site explains the the organisation, jurisdiction and procedure of the Court of Justice and General Court and provides their rules of procedure and practice directions. All the courts' case law is available (including decisions of the now-defunct Civil Service Tribunal) via numerical case indexes and a separate case database. For cases decided from January 2012 onwards, there are authenticated electronic reports (the Electronic Reports of Cases, or 'e-ECR').


Europa is the official website of the European Union and its homepage is a portal to EU information and documentation. The site explains how the EU works and gives details of its policies on all topics. The EU Law section explains how laws are made and provides links to EU treaties, legislation and cases. The Publications section includes official reports, statistics and other documents. There is also a section providing information for businesses. The site is run by the European Commission on behalf of the EU as a whole; it is available in all the official EU languages.

ARENA (Advanced Research on the Europeanisation of the Nation-State)

ARENA is a research programme focusing on developments in the governance of Europe. It is based at the University of Oslo. The website provides details of ARENA working papers from 1994 to the present, with links to the full text of many. Items published in the ARENA Reprint Series are listed without the full text. Information about the ARENA Report Series is also given, with some links to the full report. The site hosts the RECON Online Working Papers series on democracy in Europe; the full text of these is available. Details of seminars and other events are given.

Pan European Organisation of Personal Injury Lawyers

Website of the Pan European Organisation of Personal Injury Lawyers (PEOPIL), a not-for-profit organisation founded in 1996 and supported by the European Union. The stated aim of PEOPIL is to "improve and promote judicial cooperation and mutual knowledge of legal and judicial systems of European jurisdictions in the field of personal injury law". The site provides information about the organisation, including sub-groups, publications, future events and a searchable list of members.

Irish Centre for European Law

Website of the Irish Centre for European Law (ICEL) which is based at Trinity College in Dublin. The ICEL is concerned with European Union and European Human Rights law as it affects Ireland. The site provides information about the aims, membership and activities of the Centre. Selected abstracts of conference papers are available free and details are given of publications for sale. A page of Irish web links is also included.

European Union legal materials: an infrequent user's guide

Guide to European Union legal information, written by Duncan E. Alford, Associate Dean for the Law Library and Associate Professor of Law at the University of South Carolina School of Law. The guide was published in 2005 (and updated in 2016 by Alyson Drake of the Texas Tech University School of Law Library) on New York University law school's Globalex website. The author gives a brief overview of the European Union, its official websites and principal institutions. There is a reading list of recommended introductions to EU law, dictionaries and directories.

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