Online guide focusing on electronic resources for researching the law of the European Union, written by Marylin Johnson Raisch who is Associate Law Librarian for International and Foreign Law at the John Wolff International and Comparative Law Library of the Georgetown Law Center in the United States. This guide forms a chapter within the ASIL's Guide to Electronic Resources for International law and is made freely available on the American Society of International Law's website. The author provides an overview of the treaties establishing the European Union including a section on the Lisbon Treaty. There is guidance on using the Europa website, finding EU legislation and the legislative process. The guide outlines the powers of key European institutions including the European Commission, Council of the European Union, European Parliament, Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. There is information on the case law of the EU courts and on searching for particular cases on the Curia website. There is also guidance on finding topical information including social policy, health and consumer protection and human rights. The guide includes links and references to printed and online sources of EU information.
ASIL Electronic Resource Guide: European Union
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