Employment and Labour Law

Searfarers' Rights International

Website of Seafarer’s Rights International (SRI) a pan-industry organisation researching maritime and seafarers’ law. SRI research covers all aspects of law relating to those who work at sea and those who operate vessels. Current projects focus on fair treatment initiatives, abandonment of seafarers and the Maritime Labour Convention. The SRI Legal Database provides free access to legislation, treaties and guidance and can be searched by keyword, country, language or date. There are also guides aimed at seafarers and lawyers covering abandonment, maritime liens and arrest of ships.

Centre for the Study of European Labour Law

Website of the Centre for the Study of European Labour Law at the University of Catania, set up in 1996 by Massimo D’Antona. The focus of the Centre is European social integration, the labour market and social protection systems. The Centre makes available a Working Papers Collection covering EU social law and policy, labour law and industrial relations. The papers are brought together a series of online volumes, Biblioteca 20 Maggio, which can be browsed or searched back to 2003. The papers are mostly in Italian with some in English.

Bilateral Labor Agreements Dataset

This dataset, created by a team at the University of Chicago, documents bilateral employment treaties signed between 1945 and 2015 (version 1) and 1945 and 2020 (version 2). The website consists of a graphic showing the number of Bilateral Labor Agreements (BLAs), followed by a short paragraph describing the background of the project, and then information on the dataset, which is freely available to download at the base of the webpage.

Researching International Labour Law

Online guide to resources in international labour law written by Erica Friesen who is a Research and Instruction Librarian & Online Learning Specialist at Queen’s University’s Lederman Law Library in Kingston, Canada and Brianna Storms who is a Research and Instruction Law Librarian at Queen’s University in Ontario, Canada. The guide highlights key International Labour Organization (ILO) resources giving advice on how to navigate these. Resources covered and linked to include international labour standards, fundamental conventions, governance conventions, databases and statistics.

Employment & Labour Laws and Regulations 2023

Employment & Labour Laws and Regulations 2023 is an online comparative legal guide written by employment law specialists and published by Global Legal Group in London. This is a charged resource but parts of the guide are made freely available. These sections include jurisdiction chapters which give an overview of employment law in 34 jurisdictions covering terms and conditions of employment, employee representation, discrimination, maternity rights, termination of employment, data protection and employment tribunals.


Emplaw is a subscription service hosted by the General Federation of Trade Unions (GFTU) and written by employment law specialists. The site provides guidance on a wide range of employment law topics and summaries of employment law decisions from the UK and European courts and tribunals. There is free access to employment law news stories and articles and to Emplaw Monthly, a review of developments in employment law which is available back to 2014. A directory of employment lawyers is also given.

Herbert Smith Freehills: Employment Notes

This section of the Herbert Smith Freehills website provides free access to an employment law blog highlighting developments in international employment legislation, regulation and litigation. Posts can be filtered by jurisdiction or category including whistleblowing, termination of employment, industrial relations, workplace related claims, health and safety and workplace culture, discrimination and diversity. The site can also be searched by keyword and results limited by content type eg. videos, podcasts or webinars.

Labour Law Research Network

Website of the Labour Law Research Network (LLRN) which is made up of university departments and research institutes around the work engaged in the study of labour and employment law. The aim of the LLRN is to “advance research in labour law, and specifically to facilitate the dissemination of research work and encourage open discussion of scholarship and ideas in this field”. Research papers by LLRN members are made freely available on the site many in full text PDF. There are also links to videos and digital lectures and events.

NORMLEX Information System on International Labour Standards

This International Labour Organization (ILO) database brings together information on International Labour Standards along with national labour and social security laws. Country profiles show which ILO conventions have been ratified, provide links to national labour laws and information on reporting obligations. There is information on which countries have ratified ILO conventions along with links to all conventions open for ratification. There is also comparative data showing which countries have ratified which conventions.

EPLex Employment Protection Legislation Database

EPLex is an International Labour Organization (ILO) resource that provides information on employment termination legislation in the various ILO member states. Legislation can be browsed by country and is usually provided in the original language. The information is also broken down and aspects such as employment contracts, substantive requirements for dismissal, severance and redundancy payments can also be browsed by country. An advanced search option is also available.

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