Constitutional Law

Constitutional Court of Turkey

Official website of the Turkish Constitutional Court. The site provides news, background, historical and organisational information about the Court. The current and past constitutions, and legislation establishing the Court, are available on the site, together with summaries of judgments. Other features of the site include speeches, the Court's journal and links to related websites. The site is in Turkish throughout.

Constitution of the Republic of Vanuatu

Full-text online version of the Constitution of Vanuatu, available on the PacLII website. The Constitution includes chapters dealing with state and sovereignty, fundamental rights and duties, citizenship, the role of the President, parliament and the National Council of Chiefs, justice, administration, land and emergency powers. PacLII (Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute) is a joint initiative involving the University of the South Pacific and the Australasian Legal Information Institute.

Constitution of Norway

The Constitution of Norway is available in English on the website the Norwegian Parliament. The Constitution was adopted in 1814 and this version incorporates amendments up to 2016 (at the time of writing). Areas covered include the form of government and religion, the executive, legislative and judicial powers, the king and the royal family, the rights of citizens and general provisions.

Basic Laws of Israel

The Basic Laws of Israel, made freely available on the website of the Knesset (the Israeli Parliament). The site includes an introduction to the Basic Laws, a summary of each law, a link to the full text and to details of the Knesset that passed each law. There are Basic Laws covering the following areas: the Knesset; Israel Lands; President of the State; the Government; the State Economy; the Army; Jerusalem, Capital of Israel; the Judiciary; the State Comptroller; Human Dignity and Liberty; the government and Freedom of Occupation.

Basic Law Drafting History Online

Website providing information and materials from the drafting history of the Basic Law of Hong Kong. The site is a joint project of the Centre for Comparative and Public Law and the University of Hong Kong Libraries. Materials are arranged into the following sections: Drafting Materials; News Coverage; the LEGCO Database and Textual History.

Constitution of Spain

English-language version of the Spanish Constitution, on the website of the Spanish Senate. The Constitution was adopted in 1978 and has sections dealing with fundamental rights and duties, the role of the Crown, the Cortes Generales, the Government and the Judiciary. There are also chapters covering the economy and finance, organisation of the state and the Constitutional Court.

Constitution of Tonga

Full text online version of the 1875 Constitution of Tonga (amended up to 1988) made freely available on PacLII the Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute website. The Constitution is presented in HTML and has sections dealing with rights and freedoms, the form of government and government institutions including the Privy Council, Legislative Assembly, Cabinet and the Judiciary. There is also a section dealing with land and the laws of succession. PacLII is a joint initiative involving the University of the South Pacific and the Australasian Legal Information Institute.

Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany

Official English version of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany (the German constitution), provided by the Public Relations Division of the German Bundestag. The Basic Law was promulgated on 23 May 1949 and this version is amended up to June 2008. The document includes chapters on basic rights, the Federation, the Bundestag, the Federal institutions and legislation, the administration of justice and defence and is downloadable in PDF format

Constitution of Bhutan

Electronic copy of the 2008 Constitution of Bhutan made freely available online by the Comparative Constitutions Project at the University of Texas at Austin. The Constitution has sections on citizenship and the rights and duties of citizens. There are also articles on the role of the monarchy, an outline of the governmental system and the functions of various other official bodies.



The VOTA database is produced by the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) and managed in cooperation with the Mexican Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary (TEPJF). VOTA contains national electoral legislation of Council of Europe member states, covering topics such as universal suffrage, political parties, electoral systems, referendums, voter registration, frequency of elections and polling stations. Materials provided include laws, constitutions and opinions.

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