Constitutional Law

First Amendment Library

The First Amendment Library forms part of the website of the First Amendment Center an organisation affiliated to the Freedom Forum and based at the Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee and Arlington, Virginia in the United States. The Library provides access to information relating to the five freedoms of the First Amendment -speech, press, assembly, petition and religion. The database is arranged by category including freedom of expression, freedom of religion and the Freedom of Information Act.

First Amendment Center

Website of the First Amendment Center, an organisation affiliated to the Freedom Forum and based at Vanderbilt University in the United States. The aim of the Center is to protect First Amendment freedoms. Its website provides access to information about freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly and the right to petition. Subjects covered within these categories include school children's freedom of expression, freedom of information issues, religious liberty in schools and public life, abortion protests and freedom of association.

Draft EU Convention: Full documentation Vols I & II and explanatory reports on amendments

Text of the Convention on the Future of Europe's ultimately unsuccessful European Union constitutional treaty, with related documents, on the website of Statewatch, an organisation devoted to investigative journalism and critical research in Europe in the fields of the state, justice and home affairs, civil liberties, accountability and openness. The site provides the text of the draft treaty, explanatory notes and details of amendments. In addition there are critiques and commentary from Statewatch. The site is in English.

European Constitutional Law Network

The European Constitutional Law Network (ECLN) was set up by Professor Ingolf Pernice of the Walter Hallstein-Institute for European Constitutional Law, Berlin. It is an academic forum on European constitutional law. The website has links to constitutions of EU member states and future member states. Countries are listed alphabetically, with each constitution presented in English and in the original language; some texts are also in French, German, Spanish and/or Italian.

Boundaries Scotland

The Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland (LGBCS) is an Advisory Non-departmental Public Body funded by the Scottish Government. Its job involves carrying out statutory reviews of electoral and administrative arrangements, monitoring electoral arrangements and responding to requests for ad hoc reviews of electoral or administrative arrangements. The site contains maps of all local government electoral wards in Scotland, relevant legislation, reports of reviews carried out, annual reports and minutes of meetings.

Consejo General del Poder Judicial

Website of the Spanish General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) which includes information about the CGPJ, the Supreme Court and the High Courts of Justice.There is organisational information, news, cases and details of publications. Information on the individual High Courts can be accessed via a clickable map of the regions. The site is available in Spanish only.

Azerbaijan Law Guide

A freely available annotated research guide to Azerbaijan Internet sources compiled by the Law Library of Congress in Washington DC. Categories include subjects such as constitution, executive, judicial, legislative and legal guides. There is also a section which includes links to sites giving general and human rights information on Azerbaijan.

The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania

The website of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania is available in both English and Lithuanian. It contains information about the Court including details of its functions and powers, proceedings and judges, and the text its rulings, decisions and conclusions from 1993 onwards. The site has statistics on petitions and inquiries received at the Court from 1993 onwards and text of the Constitution and the Law on the Constitutional Court. A list of publications of the Court and links to other sites containing Lithuanian legal information are also provided.

Grondwettelijk Hof van België

Website of the Constitutional Court of Belgium (formerly the Belgian Court of Arbitration). The Court's jurisdiction includes "the review of laws, decrees and ordinances with Title II of the Constitution (Articles 8 to 32 on the rights and freedoms of the Belgians) and with Articles 170 and 172 (legality and equality of taxes) and 191 (protection of foreign nationals)", and derives its authority from the Belgian constitution.

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