National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade

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Website of the National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade (NLCIFT) a non-profit research organisation affiliated to the James E. Rogers College of Law at the University of Arizona. The aim of NLCIFT is "to develop the legal infrastructure necessary to facilitate the movement of goods, services and investment capital in the Western Hemisphere." The NLCIFT carries out research into the commercial laws and practices of countries in the Western Hemisphere with the aim of harmonising and standardising the legal infrastructure and eliminating the barriers to free trade. They produce books and legal studies and maintain a database of Latin American legislation (InterAm). Information is given about NLCIFT's projects which include competition policy, electronic commerce, family law and transportation. There is information on the Center's publications which are available to buy and a full-text version of Novedades the NLCIFT's quarterly newsletter can be downloaded in PDF. The InterAm database is a subscription only collection of Latin American legal materials including a monthly Inter-American Trade report which covers commercial and legal developments in Latin American countries. The Treaty database has the full-text versions of treaties, free trade agreements and international agreements available on subscription. The site can be viewed in English and Spanish.

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