Trade Law


Website of MERCOSUR, the Southern Common Market, a South American trading bloc which includes Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela and Bolivia. The Treaty of Asunción 1991 and the Protocol of Ouro Preto 1994, the establishing treaties, are given on the site along with documents of MERCOSUR bodies - meeting minutes, reports, regulations and trade statistics. The site can be viewed in Spanish, Portuguese and English although information in English is limited.

Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law Blog

The Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law (IISTL) blog is produced by staff at the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law at Swansea University. The blog provides maritime and commercial legal news covering topics such as admiralty law, arbitration, carriage of goods, charterparties, contract law, law of the sea and trade law. The blog can be searched by topic or date

African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)

Website of the AfCFTA Secretariat providing information on the African Continental Free Trade Area. The site outlines the aims of the AfCFTA which include creating a single market for the African continent and boosting its trading position globally. There are profiles of the countries who are signatories to the agreement and an overview of the protocols which include trade in goods and services, dispute settlement and customs and trade facilitation. A full text copy of the Agreement is given along with the e-tariff book and a selection of publications produced by the AfCFTA Secretariat.

Society of International Economic Law

The Society of International Economic Law (SIEL) is a global association for academics working in the field of international economic law, as well as for practitioners and officials with an interest in the academic side of the subject. Its website describes the aims and activities of the Society. It has details of the Society’s conferences, with links to the conference papers on SSRN. There is also a News page, and Resources page which lists academic programmes on international economic law at various universities around the world.

Belgian Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation

The Belgian Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation website provides access to official information about the foreign, trade and development policy of Belgium. The News section covers departmental news, press releases and speech transcripts from the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister for Development Cooperation. The Services section gives advice to individuals travelling to Belgium and to Belgians abroad and provides links to Belgian embassies and consulates.

Introduction to the Law of the Southern African Development Community

Online guide to the law of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) written by Dunia P. Zongwe who is a former graduate fellow of the Institute for African Development at Cornell University. The guide was published in 2011 (and updated in 2023) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author gives background and historical information to SADC which is a regional economic community composed of 15 countries in Southern Africa.

Legal Omnibus

A directory of law sites selected by the International Law Institute, a research and education institution based in Washington DC. The links are arranged in categories covering: Development and Trade; Development Banks and related sites; International Development Agencies; Public International law; Private International law; General International resources; US legal resources; Electronic Commerce and Related Business Law; Law and Economics; and Reference Tools.

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