Resource guides and directories

Kieron Wood's pages

Website of Kieron Wood, a barrister practising in Dublin, Ireland. The site contains articles, features and information on Irish legal matters. There are sections dealing with family law and civil law covering divorce, marriage, links to Irish family legislation, citizenship, labour law and defamation law in Ireland. There is a glossary of legal terms, contact details for other Irish barristers and a page of links to Irish legal sites.

Women's Human Rights Resources Programme

The Women's Human Rights Resources Programme is maintained by staff at Bora Laskin Law Library, University of Toronto. Resources provided on the site include a searchable database of articles and documents relating to women's human rights law, a collection of research guides and bibliographies, details of law courses in Canada relating specifically to women and a directory of women's rights organisations in Canada.


A comprehensive US-centred site indexing and linking to online legal resources aimed at legal professionals and the public. The service is freely available on the internet. Legal information and links to resources for the public are arranged under the following broad headings: accidents and injuries; bankruptcy and debt; car accidents; civil rights; criminal law; dangerous products; family law; employee's rights; estate planning and probate; immigration law; intellectual property; real estate; small businesses and taxation. Information is broken down into further sub categories.


These pages have been prepared by Dr David Jukes, Senior Lecturer in Food Regulation at the University of Reading to assist students taking courses in food law. The site has teaching materials and information on the law relating to additives and food labelling. There are legal news items concerning food law in the UK, the EU, CODEX, FAO and WHO, from 1996 onwards. <p> Links are provided to food legislation for the United Kingdom and European Union. UK links go back to 1995; some legislation is listed back to 1959, but the site does not profess to be complete.

Hieros Gamos

Hieros Gamos is a comprehensive legal site providing access to United States law and to legal and government resources in 230 countries. There are directories of law firms worldwide and to many other US based legal professionals including experts and court reporters. Resources are organised thematically including sections dealing with legal careers, students, professional organisations, legal publications and the practice of law. The Law Business Center has links to information resources covering e-commerce, business finance and starting a business.

European Environmental Law Network

The European Environmental Law Network's website contains dossiers of articles and papers on air quality, European climate policy and the Francovich case, together with EU environmental case law, EU treaties and secondary legislation and other EU documentation. There is a National Pages section covering forty different countries (EU member states, candidate countries and other states such as Russia and Israel). For each country there are links to a wide variety of environmental law sites, including sources of legislation, case law and commentary.

Electronic Immigration Network

EIN is a voluntary sector organisation providing information on immigration and refugee law. It is aimed primarily at immigration law practitioners and advisors, but it also contains freely available information for others interested in the subject. Freely available resources include links to government publications, news and events information. There are subject sections covering asylum, refugee and immigration issues in Europe, United Kingdom and worldwide. Sections of the site are reserved for members only including case law, legislation and country information.

World Law: Nauru

Part of WorldLII's World Law service containing links to internet resources for Nauru, an island in the South Pacific. A full range of browse and search features are provided by the site. Browse sections include links covering the Constitution, courts and case law, governmental sites and legislation. A stored search will automatically search for materials relating to the Nauru on all of the WorldLII catalogue or databases. This section of WorldLII was developed from work initiated by Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII).

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