European Union
EU research guide by Jim Church from University of California Berkeley Library. Covers key databases, reference books, EU institutions, legislation, justice, news, statistics and other topics.
EU research guide by Jim Church from University of California Berkeley Library. Covers key databases, reference books, EU institutions, legislation, justice, news, statistics and other topics.
A UK legal information site providing advice on a range of legal topics built and maintained by a former solicitor in private practice in the United Kingdom. The site offers information on basic legal issues in English law, including employment, divorce and family, road traffic law, business law, property, tax and personal injury and medical negligence. The site gives details of a telephone service providing legal advice for a fixed fee, legal forms available to purchase online and a page of related web links.
An American portal to legal materials on the Internet created by AIS, Attorney Internet Services. The site offers links to US federal and state resources and international law resources via listings and structured search forms. Links to legal organisations and a topics index are available. The site also features a compilation of links to legal forms, a state attorney database, law school listing, and list of legal support service vendors.
New Zealand Refugee Law (RefNZ) provides a searchable database of all the decisions of New Zealand's Refugee Status Appeals Authority (RSAA), the full text of leading decisions, and Practice Notes of the RSAA. New Zealand High Court and Court of Appeal cases dealing with refugee issues are also provided, together with headnotes and a contents index. RefNZ additionally includes papers analysing on New Zealand refugee cases and a forum for comment on current refugee issues. Further sections of the site offer news, comments and statistics.
Eagle-i is a legal information gateway service developed by the Library at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies in the School of Advanced Study, University of London. The service aims to identify, classify and publish comprehensive links to substantive materials and legal-interest resources worldwide. The service includes pull down menus and structured link pages that pinpoint resources and offer them by jurisdiction, organisation, and subject topic.
Website of LawGuru, a US legal resource site maintained and operated by WebSiteBroker, Inc. a California corporation. The site includes a message board where members of the public can post legal questions that will be answered by a lawyer. A database of these questions and answers can be searched by keyword or browsed by subject. A large number of legal forms can be purchased on the site. There is also a LawGuru wiki giving definitions of legal terms and a collection of short legal articles.
Website developed by Duquesne University Law Library in Pittsburg, USA providing a collection of links to Pennsylvania legal research sites. The service is aimed at scholars, lawyers and other users carrying out Pennsylvania legal research. Links are given to government and legislation sites, general Pennsylvania legal sites, law schools, legal journals, courts and case law, court rules, statutory law, professional associations, news sources, county information and legal subjects.
Website providing information on Roman law sources and literature and on the teaching and study of Roman law. The site has been developed by Ernest Metzger at the Centre for the Study of the Civil Law Tradition, University of Aberdeen. Materials include collections of primary and secondary full text sources on Roman and civil law and links to the full-text online versions of Justinian's Digest and Palingenesia of Latin Laws. The site features a bulletin board, links to legal journals in the field, bibliographies, portals, projects and teaching materials.
A gateway to web resources for international commercial law, with some additional coverage of other areas of law and of information technology. The service is a collaborative project by the Law Faculty of the University of Tromso, Norway, the Institute of International Commercial Law at Pace University School of Law, US, and the Law Faculty of the University of Oslo, Norway. Lex Mercatoria presents links to conventions, model laws, rules, commentary and other documents available on the web.
A website developed by Giaschi and Margolis (Barristers and Solicitors in Vancouver, Canada) providing extensive links to maritime law and admiralty law resources on the internet. The site's research archive arranges materials under topic headings such as carriage of goods, admiralty practice, collisions, marine insurance, offshore oil and gas and pollution providing access to cases, statutes, articles and presentations. The emphasis is on Canadian law throughout. The site has a text search engine with boolean searching facilities.