Professional organisations

ADR now

ADR now is a website provided by the Advice Services Alliance, the umbrella body for independent advice services in the UK. The site provides practical information on the different types of ADR (alternative dispute resolution) services including arbitration, conciliation, mediation and ombudsmen. Each section looks at how the process works, when it is used and an idea of the likely costs. The site looks at how ADR can be used for problems arising in particular areas such as benefits, employment, education, health and social care and money and tax.

National Institute of Military Justice

Website of the National Institute of Military Justice (NIMJ) a non-profit organisation based in Washington DC whose aim is to "advance the administration of military justice in the Armed Forces of the United States". The site provides access to a range of documents and links relating to military justice in the US including basic documents such as the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), the Manual for Courts Martial and a Military Justice Fact Sheet. There are recent legal cases, reports and commentaries and legal materials relating to military commissions.

Burma Lawyers' Council

The Burma Lawyers' Council (BLC) is an independent group of lawyers and legal academics. Its aim is to foster human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Burma by such means as public education campaigns, provision of legal advice and research into the Burmese judicial system. The Council's website provides a selection of legal materials relating to Burma, including the country's Constitutions and its National Convention, reports and articles on the legal situation in Burma and a number of landmark agreements and declarations.

International Business Law Consortium

Website of the International Business Law Consortium (IBLC), a membership organisation of law and accountancy firms which forms part of the Center for International Legal Studies in Austria. The IBLC is concerned with the development of professional knowledge and skills. The site includes a directory of members, live news feeds and information about speakers with expertise in particular areas. The Consortium's International Directory of Corporate Symbols and Business Terms is made available free in the Publications section. Parts of the site are restricted to members.

International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network

Website of the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN) a membership organisation set up to help governmental organisations involved in the enforcement of fair trade practice laws in different countries share information about cross border problems affecting consumer interests. The site gives details of ICPEN's activities which include internet sweep days targeting illegal internet scams. There is a list of member countries with links to their trade practices law enforcement authorities along with a page of links to related organisations.

Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice

The Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice (CIAJ) is a non-profit organisation whose aim is to improve the quality of justice in Canada. The CIAJ is based in the Faculty of Law at the University of Montreal and its activities include organising conferences and seminars, conducting research and producing publications. The site provides background information about the CIAJ including a brief history and details of the Board of Directors, members and staff.

Avocats Sans Frontières

Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF) is a Belgium-based international NGO. Its membership mostly consists of lawyers and its aim is to promote justice and the rule of law, and to defend the civil, political and other rights of the most vulnerable people in the world. The group's "Lawyers for Lawyers" project aims to support human rights lawyers whose professional independence is under threat. Press releases, a free newsletter, activity reports and other publications are available on the website, plus details of ASF seminars and training. The site can be viewed in English, French or Dutch.

One: National Gay and Lesbian Archives

The One institute is located in Los Angeles. It is one of the world's largest research libraries specialising in Gay, Lesbian and transsexual social and political history and current events. It includes an extensive collection on HIV/ AIDS history. Its website provides basic information on the content of the collection, recent events and the facility to search the Library catalogue. This contains bibliographic details about books, pamphlets, working papers, conference reports, archives and all types of grey literature relating to gay, lesbian and transsexual interest.


Website of Clarity, an international association of lawyers and interested lay people, whose aim is to promote the use of plain language in the legal profession. Clarity run seminars on legal drafting and publishes a journal approximately twice a year, which is presented in PDF format on the site.The journal includes articles, book reviews, news items and a section on practical drafting. Issues are freely available in full-text back to 1997. Other relevant articles also appear on the site along with a booklist and links to the websites of other plain language practitioners.

Judicial System Monitoring Committee

The Judicial System Monitoring Committee (JSMP) was set up in 2001 to improve the judicial and legislative system in Timor-Leste. Activities include court monitoring and the production of reports on the development of the judicial system. The site has news stories relating to Timor-Leste and an archive going back to 2001. There are full-text monitoring reports on the work of the Court of Appeal, the District Court in Dili and on specific cases. Other reports look at the state of the Timor-Leste justice sector, human rights in court administration and the right to appeal.

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