Professional organisations

INAVEM: Institut National d'Aide aux Victimes et de Médiation

INAVEM is a federation of about 150 French organisations offering support to victims - whether of crime, violence, abuse, accidents, or other misfortunes - and providing mediation services. The website presents various documents to do with INAVEM's work, including its annual reports, constitution, codes of ethics, statistics and public policy documents on subjects including domestic violence, discrimination, children and human rights. Guidance is available for victims, plus a directory of support organisations and details of telephone help lines. The site is in French throughout.

Barreau du Québec

Official website of the Barreau du Québec (Bar Association of Quebec). Key sections of the site cover services to members, services for the general public and Bar publications. The organisation publishes two journals, which are freely available on the website in full-text: Journal du Barreau ( 1996 - ), which provides articles and news, and Revue du Barreau (1999 - 2005), which includes more substantial articles. There is also a monthly e-newsletter, Le Bref (2007 - ), and searchable databases of Bar members and mediators.

Lögmannafélag Íslands

Website of the Icelandic Bar Association, which represents lawyers practising in Iceland. The site has a limited amount of information in English and Danish, but it is mostly in Icelandic. There is a directory of lawyers which can be browsed by region or by practice area.

Society of Writers to Her Majesty's Signet

Website of the Society of Writers to Her Majesty's Signet (WS Society), a society of Scottish solicitors based in Edinburgh. The site has information about the WS Society including its history and details of staff and committees. There is also information regarding the Society's professional education programmes and seminars for solicitors, the Signet Library which is open to non-members and Scottish legal news.

The IBA International Anti-Money Laundering Forum: the Lawyer's Guide to Legislation and Compliance

This International Bar Association (IBA) website is a discussion forum and source of information for lawyers working in the anti-money laundering field. It provides an introduction to the subject of anti-money laundering, together with outlines of anti-money laundering regimes worldwide. There is an implementation chart for the EU's Third Money Laundering Directive (2005/60/EC) and another chart shows which countries of the world have anti-money laundering legislation applying to lawyers. The Reading Room section provides articles, news, book reviews and other information.

International Lawyers Network

The International Lawyers Network (ILN) has members in more than 60 countries, with expertise in areas such as corporate and commercial law, securities law, taxation, commercial litigation and employment law. The site provides details of members, the ILN bulletin and guides to doing business in Switzerland, Canada, Australia, Singapore, France, Lithuania and Argentina.


Website of LITIG (Legal IT Innovators Group) a not-for-profit group for senior professionals involved in all aspects of legal information technology within the UK. LITIG produce consultation papers and good practice guides relating to particular aspects of IT and these are made available in full-text as Word or PDF documents on the site. Topics currently include papers on e-billing , collaboration, electronic file management and email. The site also includes a list of members.

Education Law Unit

The Education Law Unit is an initiative of the Govan Law Centre, an independent, charitable community controlled law centre in Scotland. The Unit can provide legal representation in education law cases and the website has information on education law in Scotland for anyone who advises children with special educational needs or their parents. There are links to education law news stories and full text cases the Govan Law Centre has been involved with.

Federation of Law Societies of Canada

The Federation of Law Societies of Canada (FLSC) is the umbrella organisation of the fourteen Canadian law societies. The website explains the work of the FLSC covering its history and purpose and including a list of past presidents back to 1927. There is background information about the practice of law in Canada (including guidance for foreign lawyers) and the regulatory functions of the law societies. The law societies' acts and regulations and annual statistics giving figures on membership, fees and discipline cases are given.

Lithuanian Bar Association

Web pages of the Lithuanian Bar Association. English sections of the site include a list of contact details for advocates and law firms in Lithuania and a copy of the professional code of ethics for lawyers in Lithuania. There is also a comprehensive collection of web links to Lithuanian legal resources. Most of the site is presented in Lithuanian with an English interface.

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